Health & Medical Acne

Get Rid of Acne Redness With Some Easy Home Remedies

Acne redness is disfiguring.
It isa constant reminder of our on going battle with this skin condition.
Coverage with makeup is not always an option for men, and sometimes makeup with cause additional outbreaks on women.
However, with home treatments or the advancement in modern medicine,there's no reason to endure them.
There is a wide range of treatments available.
Itis just a matter of deciding which treatment is best for you.
They are several solutions to decrease the redness left behind from acne.
Some of them can be found in your home.
These are really great effective measures to reduce redness.
  • Get some ice cubes from your freezer.
    Use a clean cloth to cover the ice cubes.
    Or use an ice pack.
    Place it on the red marks for 10 minutes.
    It will make the redness of the blemish less noticeable, and is a good temporary way reduce acne redness.
  • Mix a fresh lemon juice with equal quantity of rose water.
    Apply this mixture on your face.
    Leave it for 30 minutes.
    Then rinse your face with fresh water.
    It smells wonderful and is refreshing.
    The redness will reduce in about 15 days.
    It takes a while, granted, but this method is a more permanent way to get rid of acne redness
  • Garlic also works very well.
    It can be applied fresh, or you can buy garlic oil.
    Cut the garlic clove open, or pierce the garlic capsule and rub it on the affected area,Do this on regular intervals.
    This will to reduce redness and swelling.
    Word of warning though.
    Garlic is smelly and the odor will stay with you if you don't wash it off correctly.
    However, lemon juice will eliminate the garlic smell.
    Just spread a little over the area of the garlic, and rinse.
  • Visinejust isn't for red eyes.
    The chemical it contains tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride,which minimize acne redness by constricting blood vessels making the appearance of redness less.
    Apply on the affected area with a cotton swab and use on regular intervals.
  • Hemorrhoid medication just isn't good for -well you know where-.
    Hemorrhoid cream has a vascular restrictin it that decreases the blood flow to the skin.
    Not only that, it has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and a moisturizer too boot.
    What more can you ask for!Take care to use it on the only the red marks.
    It is not a good idea to spread it all over, especially the face.
    You will be amazed at the results at reducing acne redness.
Acne redness can comprise of something as simple as red, or brown marks that will go away eventually on their own, or with the remedies just listed.
However, acne redness may be permanent.
This is when redness is considered a scar.
While temporary skin discoloration is not something that is normally treated medically, acne redness in the form of scars can be treated professionally.
Consult a dermatologist.
He or she will recommend a procedure to get rid ofredness left by scars.
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