Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Mika Leone, and welcome to the Apothecary here at New Earth Apothecary where we create natural solutions for you. Today, we're going to talk about how to cure flaky skin. Now one of the main most important things that you want to do, you have a few options but I would recommend a shower filter. I would get one that at least removes chlorine, there's different price ranges. You can find some that cost up to hundreds of dollars and you can also find some that are around the range of 50 but at least get the chlorine out and that will also help with the skin majorly, also with your hair, it makes your hair nice and soft as well. I would also use these. This is a loofah. This one here is more like a cloth but they also have brushes like this with the boar bristles and what you would do with these is you take and you apply it to the skin like this. You want to keep it dry, dry is important because when it's dry, it removes more of the dead cells. If you get in the shower and you wet it, then the cells stick to the skin so it's harder to remove them. So on dry skin before you shower, you go in light strokes. You start normally from your feet and work your way up, for circulation purposes you want to rush everything to the heart. I'm just doing this on my hand here but normally you would start on your feet, move it around in circles like so and you do this all over your body before you go in the shower. This removes a lot of skin cells that normally would lay on top of the skin. Normally our skin turns over every 28 days when you are younger but as you mature but as your skin cells start to turn over a little slowly so it can take sometimes up to 28 days, sometimes it can take 30 or more. So now I would do this every couple of days or so at least twice a week and so you can take this cloth like so, wrap it around your fingers and move it across your body like this. Some people find that cloths work better for them. There's also gloves. This is a little different texture than the brush. The brush is like a natural bristle, so you have to see what works for you but there's lots of options and you can get it at any health food store. So thanks so much for joining me today. I'm Mika Leone with The Apothecary at New Earth, and have an awesome day.