Home & Garden Do It Yourself

How to Easily Install Crown Molding

Crown molding installation can often feel like a difficult home improvement project to complete on your own. Not to worry, there are several tips you can review that will help you save time, energy and money on this DIY project. If you have the knowledge and proper tools, this can be a fairly easy home improvement venture. All you have to remember is to take your time an follow the steps outlined below.

Crown Molding Installation Tools: sponge/clean cloth, caulking gun, miter box/saw or miter saw, chalk line box/pencil, polyurethane construction adhesive, hammer/finishing nails

Before Crown Molding Installation:
Establish Plan & Review Layout: When you decide you are going to install crown molding it’s important to review the space you plan on updating. Measure the room to determine its footage and increase this footage by 10%. This will take into account  crown molding waste you may have. This will allow you to access how much crown molding you will need.

Molding Storage: Never store your molding outdoors. It’s crucial that you always store your crown molding in a dry, ventilated area with low humidity. This will prevent the molding from expanding, retracting and/or bowing. It’s a good idea to place the molding in the room you will be installing it about 48-72 hours beforehand. This will allow the crown molding to adjust to the temperature and humidity in that room.

- Surface Preparation: Clean all surfaces among the crown molding and walls where the molding will be installed with a sponge/clean cloth and make sure surface is completely dry before starting the install process.

Paint Crown Molding: Before you install the molding it should be painted, as well as your walls. This will allow a more professional and finished look. Touch-ups to the crown molding may be needed after the install, but should be minor.

During Crown Molding Installation:
-Miter Molding Corners: In order to generate a quality molding cut, you must place the molding in the miter box or power saw rail correctly. Place the molding in the box so the ceiling bedding edge lies against the bottom of the box/saw and that the wall bedding edge lies against the side of the miter box opposite of you.

Cut all of your miters and joints before you install your crown molding. It can be a good idea to measure twice, just to make sure you are accurate. Then lay out the cut molding within the room it is being installed to make sure you made the proper cuts.

Crown Molding Install: Mark the entire wall length with your chalk line box and pencil. Start installing the molding in an area that is not easily seen, so that it is easier to disguise repeat patterns. Start applying a 1/4 inch bead of construction adhesive to the backside of the crown molding you have cut and between each joint. Apply gentle pressure to the crown molding when it is positioned on the wall. Smooth excess chalk away from the wall and molding. If you choose to use finishing nails in addition to the adhesive, after the adhesive has set fill in the nails with elastomeric caulk and smooth the surface with fine sandpaper, touching up with paint.

After Crown Molding Installation:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the professional looking crown molding installation job you just completed.
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