What is the best time of year to buy new binoculars? Maybe there is no straight forward answer to that one. Is this the time? Is this the year? Can the budget handle it? Will your spouse allow it? The propositions are worth some discussion. Herein are some considerations and proposals.
On the one hand, I know it is just like buying a new car€"there are occasions when it is a questionable time to buy. You and I know that, when it comes to cars, the new model year is accompanied with an increase in price. So it goes with binoculars.
For binoculars, January begins the new model year on many brands. True, new models mean there might be some new technologies and other advances, which can be exciting and just what you're looking for. But the months just prior to the end of the year may offer some deals worth examining. After all, it was just months ago that the new superior glass was put into use, new coatings were instituted, redesigned roof prisms incorporated, that new protection for the lenses became the norm. Good then€"good now. €Tis something to think about.
One of the times to consider buying new binoculars is when you know it's time to upgrade. You've spent a lot of time, maybe years, buying less expensive models hoping to find one pair that fits right, feels right, provides clear and crisp images, works in all light conditions, rain or shine, daylight or dusk. And it just hasn't happened. That's when you realize it's time to upgrade. You're not going to mess around, not going to worry about the extra expense because you're going for some binoculars that will serve you well for the next decade or longer.
The goal is to get to the field (or forest...or wetland) and to enjoy the experience. The ability to spot that tiny little Marsh Wren hidden in the reeds, or to spy that shy buck through the thicket, or to notice the pheasant before it flushes, to know if that's a Redhead or a Canvasback before anyone else€"that's what you're after. That's what makes the purchase€"the upgrade€"worth it!
There is one other time that you know is the right time to buy new binoculars. You and I both know when that is€"when you want to make someone else very happy. What are you waiting for? Go to it!
On the one hand, I know it is just like buying a new car€"there are occasions when it is a questionable time to buy. You and I know that, when it comes to cars, the new model year is accompanied with an increase in price. So it goes with binoculars.
For binoculars, January begins the new model year on many brands. True, new models mean there might be some new technologies and other advances, which can be exciting and just what you're looking for. But the months just prior to the end of the year may offer some deals worth examining. After all, it was just months ago that the new superior glass was put into use, new coatings were instituted, redesigned roof prisms incorporated, that new protection for the lenses became the norm. Good then€"good now. €Tis something to think about.
One of the times to consider buying new binoculars is when you know it's time to upgrade. You've spent a lot of time, maybe years, buying less expensive models hoping to find one pair that fits right, feels right, provides clear and crisp images, works in all light conditions, rain or shine, daylight or dusk. And it just hasn't happened. That's when you realize it's time to upgrade. You're not going to mess around, not going to worry about the extra expense because you're going for some binoculars that will serve you well for the next decade or longer.
The goal is to get to the field (or forest...or wetland) and to enjoy the experience. The ability to spot that tiny little Marsh Wren hidden in the reeds, or to spy that shy buck through the thicket, or to notice the pheasant before it flushes, to know if that's a Redhead or a Canvasback before anyone else€"that's what you're after. That's what makes the purchase€"the upgrade€"worth it!
There is one other time that you know is the right time to buy new binoculars. You and I both know when that is€"when you want to make someone else very happy. What are you waiting for? Go to it!