Drivers are required to have proof of insurance to register their cars with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Having documented verification of coverage is important because it may be needed for various reasons while operating the vehicle.
Failure to have the minimal amount of coverage mandated by the state will jeopardize your ability to legally drive.
It can also lead to civil or criminal penalties.
Each state wants you to demonstrate that you can pay for property damage or the medical expenses of injured people if you cause an accident.
This concept is usually referred to as financial responsibility.
Legislators know that a lot of damage can be caused to other people while operating a motor vehicle.
Laws related to financial responsibility is the legislators' attempt to ensure citizens are protected in case an accident occurs.
Contact the auto insurer to get the documents needed to verify you have an active policy.
Each driver must have at least the state minimum coverage.
As soon as you purchase a policy, the insurer can fax or email a copy of the insurance card.
Additional copies of the card will also be sent in the mail along with paperwork that describes the policy in detail.
Carry the card with you at all times and keep a copy of it in the car.
Some states require the insurers to electronically report policy information directly to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
If an active policy is not reported by an insurer, the Department of Motor Vehicles will contact you and request proof of coverage be provided to them.
When the Department of Motor Vehicles doesn't receive updated policy information, it can result in suspension of the vehicle registration.
There are different occasions when having proof of coverage is needed.
If you are involved in a car accident, you can exchange information with the other party.
When you are pulled over by a police officer due to an alleged traffic violation, the police officer will ask to see the insurance card.
The Department of Motor Vehicles representative needs to see policy documentation when the vehicle registration is being renewed.
If you don't have proof of an active policy, you can receive a monetary fine.
Other consequences include registration and license suspension.
The most serious penalties also involve imprisonment.
Abiding by the financial responsibility requirements within your state will help you avoid legal issues with the Department of Motor Vehicles and law enforcement.
Having documented verification of coverage is important because it may be needed for various reasons while operating the vehicle.
Failure to have the minimal amount of coverage mandated by the state will jeopardize your ability to legally drive.
It can also lead to civil or criminal penalties.
Each state wants you to demonstrate that you can pay for property damage or the medical expenses of injured people if you cause an accident.
This concept is usually referred to as financial responsibility.
Legislators know that a lot of damage can be caused to other people while operating a motor vehicle.
Laws related to financial responsibility is the legislators' attempt to ensure citizens are protected in case an accident occurs.
Contact the auto insurer to get the documents needed to verify you have an active policy.
Each driver must have at least the state minimum coverage.
As soon as you purchase a policy, the insurer can fax or email a copy of the insurance card.
Additional copies of the card will also be sent in the mail along with paperwork that describes the policy in detail.
Carry the card with you at all times and keep a copy of it in the car.
Some states require the insurers to electronically report policy information directly to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
If an active policy is not reported by an insurer, the Department of Motor Vehicles will contact you and request proof of coverage be provided to them.
When the Department of Motor Vehicles doesn't receive updated policy information, it can result in suspension of the vehicle registration.
There are different occasions when having proof of coverage is needed.
If you are involved in a car accident, you can exchange information with the other party.
When you are pulled over by a police officer due to an alleged traffic violation, the police officer will ask to see the insurance card.
The Department of Motor Vehicles representative needs to see policy documentation when the vehicle registration is being renewed.
If you don't have proof of an active policy, you can receive a monetary fine.
Other consequences include registration and license suspension.
The most serious penalties also involve imprisonment.
Abiding by the financial responsibility requirements within your state will help you avoid legal issues with the Department of Motor Vehicles and law enforcement.