Australia has always caught eye of migrants and will stay that way for long time to come. It has been experienced that this country wills always some surprises people with something new every few years. Although,in the present context, there is mixed reaction to the new introductions in the Australian Immigration. Some people have rated these changes as path breaking and have evaluated them as being supportive of the migration enthusiasts while others have expressed their dissatisfaction over these inclusions and have despised the policies of the Aussie government as being anti migrant.
The people who support new introductions feel that this will have long term impact on the migrants looking forward to gain entry into the country. The new stipulations established under the SKillSelect will in fact clear the way for the suitable people by weeding out the deadwood and offering a easier and hurdle free passage to the sufficiently qualified people. as per them, the most interesting part of the SKillSelect is that you do not have to wait in a queue to be selected for the next phase of application processing. This out of turn short listing system is in fact an indication of things to come as even Canada is planning to opt for a similar system.
The skills scroll platform has several deep embedded advantages i.e. the selection process starts evaluating the profiles of the candidates the moment people start creating their profiles or EOIs as they are popularly called. The selection process uses a critical profile evaluation system which gauges the abilities of the candidates on basis of the certain pre defined parameters i.e. age, linguistic compatibility, academic qualifications, professional exposure and other miscellaneous adaptability factors etc. The evaluation process helps weeding out the inappropriate people at the entry level itself and people going through to the next stage where they are in running for the short listing are selected on basis of the priorities set by the government.
The Australian Immigration authorities have been able to maneuver through the crowd of the waiting migrants as per their own selection priorities. The automated system of SKillSelect short lists the profiles on basis of the minimum threshold indicated for the specific selection round and the profiles are extracted on basis of trade pool and the minimum cut-off marks. This provides chances of early selection to the people who although filed in late but have been able to score more than rest of the aspirants in the specific trade pool.
This system is a harmonized version and people filing from within the Aussie shores or from out of Australia file under the same categories. This aspect makes the processing faster because the DIAC official has lesser work to do on each category. Moreover the job of the Australia Immigration authorities has been reduced to merely acting as monitoring agency as the short listing is carried out independently by the SKillSelect system.
On other hands, the detractors of the Aussie Immigration initiative cite a number of reservations. They feel that this policy is local aspiration centric and in no way Aussie government has done anything to help the cause of migration seekers. The aspiring migrants are at a receiving end because they are the ones who are doing all the running around and to add salt to wounds there are no clear instructions on the procedure.
The debate will however go on endlessly because like every coin has 2 sides. But in fact the new system has many positives also and you can retrieve all the inputs and support from our Australian Immigration Office in Mumbai.
The debate between pros and cons will continue endlessly but the SKillSelect system is a revolutionary concept and has changed the meaning of migration process significantly. This system is surely faster and a reliable process. You can know about these aspects by meeting our counselors at our Australian Immigration Office In Mumbai.
The people who support new introductions feel that this will have long term impact on the migrants looking forward to gain entry into the country. The new stipulations established under the SKillSelect will in fact clear the way for the suitable people by weeding out the deadwood and offering a easier and hurdle free passage to the sufficiently qualified people. as per them, the most interesting part of the SKillSelect is that you do not have to wait in a queue to be selected for the next phase of application processing. This out of turn short listing system is in fact an indication of things to come as even Canada is planning to opt for a similar system.
The skills scroll platform has several deep embedded advantages i.e. the selection process starts evaluating the profiles of the candidates the moment people start creating their profiles or EOIs as they are popularly called. The selection process uses a critical profile evaluation system which gauges the abilities of the candidates on basis of the certain pre defined parameters i.e. age, linguistic compatibility, academic qualifications, professional exposure and other miscellaneous adaptability factors etc. The evaluation process helps weeding out the inappropriate people at the entry level itself and people going through to the next stage where they are in running for the short listing are selected on basis of the priorities set by the government.
The Australian Immigration authorities have been able to maneuver through the crowd of the waiting migrants as per their own selection priorities. The automated system of SKillSelect short lists the profiles on basis of the minimum threshold indicated for the specific selection round and the profiles are extracted on basis of trade pool and the minimum cut-off marks. This provides chances of early selection to the people who although filed in late but have been able to score more than rest of the aspirants in the specific trade pool.
This system is a harmonized version and people filing from within the Aussie shores or from out of Australia file under the same categories. This aspect makes the processing faster because the DIAC official has lesser work to do on each category. Moreover the job of the Australia Immigration authorities has been reduced to merely acting as monitoring agency as the short listing is carried out independently by the SKillSelect system.
On other hands, the detractors of the Aussie Immigration initiative cite a number of reservations. They feel that this policy is local aspiration centric and in no way Aussie government has done anything to help the cause of migration seekers. The aspiring migrants are at a receiving end because they are the ones who are doing all the running around and to add salt to wounds there are no clear instructions on the procedure.
The debate will however go on endlessly because like every coin has 2 sides. But in fact the new system has many positives also and you can retrieve all the inputs and support from our Australian Immigration Office in Mumbai.
The debate between pros and cons will continue endlessly but the SKillSelect system is a revolutionary concept and has changed the meaning of migration process significantly. This system is surely faster and a reliable process. You can know about these aspects by meeting our counselors at our Australian Immigration Office In Mumbai.