- 1). Fill a mop bucket with warm water. Dampen the mop, leaving a slight excess of water in the mop. Use the mop to completely cover the surface of your tile area with warm water. If you are working with a vertical surface, a sponge can be used instead, with the overall point being to apply a slight excess of moisture on the surface to loosen the grout haze. Allow the water a few minutes to soak into the haze.
- 2). Rinse the mop or sponge out and use it to clean the surface of the tile. Rinse frequently to ensure no additional haze or streaks are left behind. Let the surface dry completely to check for any spots that might have been missed, then repeat the process.
- 3). Scrub areas where the grout haze is particularly thick with a scrub brush. Be sure to allow plenty of time for the water to soak into the area where the grout haze is thickest, then scrub accordingly. A clean sponge or mop can be used to clean up the remaining grout haze once it has been removed from the surface.
- 4). Use a vinegar mixture for areas where the haze is either particularly stubborn or thick. For example, with natural stones such as slate, grout can get caught up in the crags of the stone itself, and one way to remove the grout is to use vinegar and water. Combine vinegar and warm water, one part each, in a container (you do not need to be precise; estimating with your eyes is fine). Apply the mixture directly to the thickest areas of the haze and allow it to soak for several minutes before scrubbing with a scrub brush or pad and then cleaning with a mop or sponge.