Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Helpful Sore Throat Remedies

Sore throats are basically caused by either a viral or bacterial infection.
The cold and the flu are both viruses.
Irritated throats that are caused by these typically go away within a few days all by themselves and since they are viral, antibiotics are not effective against them.
Bacterial infections that cause sore throats are exactly the opposite and they really require antibiotics for them to get better.
Strep throat is a good example of this type of infection which is often seen spreading madly though Australian college campuses since it is highly contagious.
Basic Remedies Drink Plenty of Water - The key to soothing a sore throat is drinking a generous amount of water everyday.
The moisture lubricates your throat and helps prevent viruses or bacteria from making themselves at home there.
Rest - Your body needs a fair amount of sleep to reset itself every night.
You have probably noticed that you end up feeling the worst or catching a virus when you are run down and not sleeping properly, especially when your stress levels are high.
This is your body's way of telling you that it needs rest.
Other Helpful Remedies Apple Cider Vinegar - There is no denying that apple cider vinegar may not be the best tasting liquid but it has many healing qualities with soothing a sore throat as one of them.
Drink it anyway that you can handle it, straight, mixed with water or sweetened with honey.
It's not the most pleasant thing you'll ever drink but it works.
Steam - Stand in a steamy hot shower for as long as possible or you can pour boiling water into a bowl and then put your face over the steam, covering your head with a towel.
Be very cautious when doing this.
Steam can burn so keep your face at a safe distance and breathe in deeply.
Eat Garlic - Vampires aren't the only things scared of garlic, bacteria and viruses are too.
Simply cut a clove in half and suck on it like you would a cough drop, pressing it against your teeth now and then to release chemicals that work to fight infection.
Hot Liquid - Tea, especially green tea, is one of the best sore throat remedies you will find.
For centuries, many cultures have relied on these leaves to heal their illnesses.
Adding lemon, honey, echinacea or marjoram is always a fantastic idea as well to give your immune system a little boost.
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