Health & Medical Anti Aging

Don"t Buy Wrinkle Cream Before Discovering What Makes Up the Highest Rated Wrinkle Cream

Don't make the same mistake I did.
  When I wanted to buy wrinkle cream, I chose to try the highest rated wrinkle cream on the market.
  I felt that if it's got the highest rating, then it must work, right?  Unfortunately, it's not that easy..
Sadly, even the highest rated wrinkle cream may have it's flaws.
  That's why I learned a long time ago that when I buy wrinkle cream, I base my decision on the ingredients used in the product.
  It truly is the only way to find the highest rated wrinkle creams in terms of it's effectiveness.
So to figure out what ingredients work best at getting rid of wrinkles, I researched what the main causes were of aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and so on.
Here's what I came up with for what a truly highly rated wrinkle cream should include: There are three main causes of aging skin.
  The first is the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin.
  As we age, our skin looses much of it's collagen and elastin protein, which is responsible for keeping out skin firm, elastic, and tone.
  So in order to keep these levels high, the highest rated wrinkle cream should contain ingredients that boost collagen and elastin levels.
Here's where you can learn from my mistakes.
  When I use to buy wrinkle cream, I would get ones that contained collagen and elastin in the formula.
  But the molecules that make up these proteins are far too large to penetrate through the skin.
  So in actuality any cream, lotion, or makeup that contains collagen and elastin is useless because they cannot penetrate through the skin.
Here's the secret that most skin care companies don't want you to know.
  You must buy wrinkle cream that contains ingredients that naturally stimulate collagen and elastin inside of the body.
  Until recently, this wasn't possible.
  But now, a New Zealand company has figured out how to develop a natural ingredient that does just this, and that ingredient is called CynergyTK(TM) (learn more about this ingredient below).
The second cause of aging that should be addressed in the highest rated wrinkle cream is damage caused by free radicals.
  Free radicals account for 90% of collagen and skin cell destruction.
  That's why it's important to buy wrinkle cream that contains plenty of antioxidants to break down these free radicals.
  Manuka honey, coenzymeQ10, and natural vitamin E are the best antioxidants for your skin.
Lastly, the highest rated wrinkle cream should boost hyaluronic acid levels.
  Hyaluronic acid is the glue that holds collagen and elastin fibers together.
  But there's an enzyme in your body called hyaluronidase that breaks down your hyaluronic acid.
  So in order to keep your hyaluronic acid levels high, you must stop this enzyme's activity.
  Phytessence Wakame is a Japanese ingredient that does this, but it's unheard of to the Western World.
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