- 1). Update your résumé. Writing a strong résumé is the most important aspect of preparing to apply with a staffing company. Use a template if you are not familiar with the proper layouts. Focus on your accomplishments at each position rather than listing every small task that was part of the job.
- 2). Gather references that are relevant to your work history. Former co-workers are better choices than friends, and former supervisors are better choices than former co-workers. Let your references know that you will be using their names, and mention any key points you would like them to discuss with the staffing agency before you apply.
- 3). Plan to interview the same day. If the staffing agency has a pressing need or the recruiters have spare time, you may be invited to interview on the spot. It is best to be prepared. Have a list of questions that you want to ask, and make notes of any key points you want to highlight about your experience. This list will keep you from forgetting important topics if your nerves get the better of you during the interview.
- 4). Take your time getting ready, as you only have one chance to impress. Take the time to shower and shave or apply makeup. When possible, avoid applying directly after you have worked a long day. While deodorant and perfume or cologne is a good choice, they should always be used in moderation.
- 5). Dress business casual if your industry is not one that typically requires a suit. If you expect to wear a suit to work, wear one to apply with the staffing agency as well. If you are unsure how to dress, slacks and a collared shirt are almost always a safe bet.
- 6). Plan to arrive early for your interview. If you are late for your interview, the staffing agency will assume that you would report late for work as well. Showing up early lets them know that you are serious and dependable.
Preparing to Apply