Every year USICS accepts 10000 requests for EB-5 Investment Based On Green Card program. Even in 2012 out of 6000 such requests over 4000 I-526 requests were approved. The channels of investment have been comprehensively tagged with minimum investment requirements i.e.
The objective of all 3 streams is focused on generating employment for local US citizens and permanent residents and creating opportunities for boosting the economic activities in regions on parallel basis. Initially this program did not meet much success and in early years of commissioning it fetched meager results in form of requests from overseas investors. As a result only 400-500 conditional Green Cards Based On EB-5 Investment were issued.
To make this scheme more practical and feasible regional center concept was included in 1993 for an initial period of 5 years. This complimented major changes in operational aspects of scheme like scaling down of investment stipulations for newly inducted regional focus unit – RC and already instituted TEAs. Regional focus units – RC included those projects and territories for which it would not have been possible to raise funds from domestic sources. Another major alteration in the scheme was changing the employment generation criteria from minimum 10 direct employment openings to 10 direct or indirect employment opportunities for US citizens and permanent residents or people who were legally authorized to seek employment in the country.
In wake of economic slowdown and slump USICS has been forced to reduce the parameters and mandatory specifications of program. This visa does not require you to procure any kind of sponsorship or work permissions. There have sweeping improvements effected into statutes of this scheme.
Consistent improvisations and enhancements have been successful in instilling confidence in foreign investors. Regional center has proved to be an effective vehicle for attracting foreign funds and business expertise into country. Prompted by success of this component, US senate formally granted yet another extension to this pilot program for another 3 years i.e. until September 2015.
The subjected investment must be made into a commercially feasible organization or business unit established with an object of carrying on lawful activities to earn profits and tangible financial benefits. The investment must always be exposed to the markets forces and must be in a challenging business environment i.e. No EB-5 Investment Can Be Based and advanced as a secured loan and financial advance.
It is also essential for you to establish the fact that sources of funds committed by you into specified venues are accumulated from legal sources and no money in your assets is accrued from any non permitted and prohibited resources. This measure has been adopted to establish genuinity of your profile. You need to formally supply evidence of your funds and assets through I-526 request.
The process is initiated by infusion of desired funds into permitted and specified venues in form of capital that is exposed to risk. Infusion of funds is followed by I-526 request. On receiving a go through on I-526 petition you must proceed with filing I-485 petition. Approval of I-485 adjustment of status request confirms your candidature for grant of conditional Green Card Based On EB-5 Investment.
- A substantial investment of $1000000 permits an investing individual to choose any project and territory in the country
- An investment of $500000 can
- Be routed into a prioritized employment territory – TEA, or
- Be invested into a designated regional focus unit - RC
The objective of all 3 streams is focused on generating employment for local US citizens and permanent residents and creating opportunities for boosting the economic activities in regions on parallel basis. Initially this program did not meet much success and in early years of commissioning it fetched meager results in form of requests from overseas investors. As a result only 400-500 conditional Green Cards Based On EB-5 Investment were issued.
To make this scheme more practical and feasible regional center concept was included in 1993 for an initial period of 5 years. This complimented major changes in operational aspects of scheme like scaling down of investment stipulations for newly inducted regional focus unit – RC and already instituted TEAs. Regional focus units – RC included those projects and territories for which it would not have been possible to raise funds from domestic sources. Another major alteration in the scheme was changing the employment generation criteria from minimum 10 direct employment openings to 10 direct or indirect employment opportunities for US citizens and permanent residents or people who were legally authorized to seek employment in the country.
In wake of economic slowdown and slump USICS has been forced to reduce the parameters and mandatory specifications of program. This visa does not require you to procure any kind of sponsorship or work permissions. There have sweeping improvements effected into statutes of this scheme.
Consistent improvisations and enhancements have been successful in instilling confidence in foreign investors. Regional center has proved to be an effective vehicle for attracting foreign funds and business expertise into country. Prompted by success of this component, US senate formally granted yet another extension to this pilot program for another 3 years i.e. until September 2015.
The subjected investment must be made into a commercially feasible organization or business unit established with an object of carrying on lawful activities to earn profits and tangible financial benefits. The investment must always be exposed to the markets forces and must be in a challenging business environment i.e. No EB-5 Investment Can Be Based and advanced as a secured loan and financial advance.
It is also essential for you to establish the fact that sources of funds committed by you into specified venues are accumulated from legal sources and no money in your assets is accrued from any non permitted and prohibited resources. This measure has been adopted to establish genuinity of your profile. You need to formally supply evidence of your funds and assets through I-526 request.
The process is initiated by infusion of desired funds into permitted and specified venues in form of capital that is exposed to risk. Infusion of funds is followed by I-526 request. On receiving a go through on I-526 petition you must proceed with filing I-485 petition. Approval of I-485 adjustment of status request confirms your candidature for grant of conditional Green Card Based On EB-5 Investment.