- A go-kart won't go without wheels. Before launching into a wooden, homemade go-kart project, find four wheels. A simple solution for many is using casters, which are easily attached to wood. A minimum size for a homemade go-kart is a 4-inch caster. These can be found at home improvement stores and hardware retailers. Create the axles of your go-kart by cutting two pieces of lumber, preferably 2-by-6s, into 2-foot lengths. Using screws, securely attach one caster to each end of the axles.
- To make the chassis, cut one length of scrap lumber, preferably a 2-by-6, to 48 inches long. This will serve as the body, or skeleton, of the go-kart. Attach the rear axle to the chassis with four screws. Drill a hole in the middle of the opposite end of the chassis to serve as the steering mechanism. Drill a hole in the middle of the front axle. Place the front wheel axle under the front chassis hole and insert a bolt with washers in the hole. Tighten a nut on the bolt, leaving just enough play in the connection to allow the front axle to move back and forth for steering purposes.
- Sit on the nearly finished go-kart to determine the best location for a seat. The driver should be able to comfortably work the front steering mechanism from side to side with her feet. Once this placement is found, attach scrap lumber to the main chassis with either a screw or nails to serve as a seating area. In some instances, people have attached old car seats to the chassis as a way to liven up the design.
- Find a small hill or recruit a buddy to push you and take your go-kart for a ride. Make sure there are no vehicles or objects in between you and your destination.
Get the Wheels
Make the Simple Chassis
Design the Seat
Go For It