Are you confused? Which is the best male enhancement method on the market today? So many choices and so many promises, which method can actually deliver a larger penis? We will look at the facts and put the hype and empty promises to rest.
The enhancement industry has become a billion dollar a year business world wide and everyone is coming out of the woodwork with products that promise to enlarge your organ.
Pills, pumps, surgery, weights, extenders and who knows what other methods people can come up with.
I have even heard of hypnosis as an option which obviously doesn't work but people still fall for.
Lets look at male enhancement pills.
Millions of dollars have been spent on campaigns by one company that features a guy named Smiling Bob.
This company has raked in millions selling pills that promise to enlarge your penis but the truth is that they do not work.
There aren't any pills on the market that can guarantee to make your organ bigger.
What certain pills can do is help with circulation which can lead to a harder erection.
Your penis will not get any bigger when flaccid nor when it is erect.
Smiling Bob's company has been successfully sued and now has to pay back millions of dollars in retributions.
Pumps have been around for a long time.
They are bulky and can damage your penis tissue and blood vessels.
This method seems pretty primitive to me.
Having your penis sucked into a vacuum device which stretches your organ by pure force is risky and can be painful.
This method has yet to be proven to work long term.
It can force a stretch of your organ for a short period after using the pump.
Your penis will eventually go back to its original size.
Some people have reported injuries that occur with the use of the pump and others have reported deformation of the organ after prolonged pumping.
A risky method that again seems very primitive and does not deliver a long term solution for those men looking for a permanent size increase of their penis.
Another method that has become popular of late is the penis weights.
This process involves strapping on a device that accommodates the attachment of weights.
This is the easiest of all the methods to make at home yourself and it is also the easiest way of hurting your organ irreparably.
Horror stories have been told of this method, it can destroy the tissues of your organ.
Can it enlarge your penis? The answer is yes, but the risk is extremely high.
The point of looking for an enhancement method is to make your organ bigger and stronger not to risk damaging it by using such a dangerous process.
Male enhancement surgery is yet another option, unlike pills and pumps this one actually works.
There is still a risk involved but unlike weights you have a professional over seeing the process.
There are drawbacks to surgery.
It is very expensive, it can cost you thousands of dollars and like any other surgery there are still risks involved.
There is pain for a few days after the surgery especially when urinating.
You will probably miss a couple of days at work as well.
After the operation most plastic surgeons recommend and prescribe the use of a penis extender as a continuation of the treatment.
From all the methods discussed so far this would be the second method proven to work, like I mentioned it does have some drawbacks both financially and some pain.
The last method and maybe the best option for you depending on your likes and dislikes and also needs is a Penis Extender.
It has proven effective in enlarging the male organ without surgery which means no pain and minimal expense.
As mentioned above plastic surgeons who perform male enhancement surgeries recommend and prescribe extenders for post surgery treatment.
The fact that it is endorsed by doctors proves the effectiveness of the device.
The enhancement industry has become a billion dollar a year business world wide and everyone is coming out of the woodwork with products that promise to enlarge your organ.
Pills, pumps, surgery, weights, extenders and who knows what other methods people can come up with.
I have even heard of hypnosis as an option which obviously doesn't work but people still fall for.
Lets look at male enhancement pills.
Millions of dollars have been spent on campaigns by one company that features a guy named Smiling Bob.
This company has raked in millions selling pills that promise to enlarge your penis but the truth is that they do not work.
There aren't any pills on the market that can guarantee to make your organ bigger.
What certain pills can do is help with circulation which can lead to a harder erection.
Your penis will not get any bigger when flaccid nor when it is erect.
Smiling Bob's company has been successfully sued and now has to pay back millions of dollars in retributions.
Pumps have been around for a long time.
They are bulky and can damage your penis tissue and blood vessels.
This method seems pretty primitive to me.
Having your penis sucked into a vacuum device which stretches your organ by pure force is risky and can be painful.
This method has yet to be proven to work long term.
It can force a stretch of your organ for a short period after using the pump.
Your penis will eventually go back to its original size.
Some people have reported injuries that occur with the use of the pump and others have reported deformation of the organ after prolonged pumping.
A risky method that again seems very primitive and does not deliver a long term solution for those men looking for a permanent size increase of their penis.
Another method that has become popular of late is the penis weights.
This process involves strapping on a device that accommodates the attachment of weights.
This is the easiest of all the methods to make at home yourself and it is also the easiest way of hurting your organ irreparably.
Horror stories have been told of this method, it can destroy the tissues of your organ.
Can it enlarge your penis? The answer is yes, but the risk is extremely high.
The point of looking for an enhancement method is to make your organ bigger and stronger not to risk damaging it by using such a dangerous process.
Male enhancement surgery is yet another option, unlike pills and pumps this one actually works.
There is still a risk involved but unlike weights you have a professional over seeing the process.
There are drawbacks to surgery.
It is very expensive, it can cost you thousands of dollars and like any other surgery there are still risks involved.
There is pain for a few days after the surgery especially when urinating.
You will probably miss a couple of days at work as well.
After the operation most plastic surgeons recommend and prescribe the use of a penis extender as a continuation of the treatment.
From all the methods discussed so far this would be the second method proven to work, like I mentioned it does have some drawbacks both financially and some pain.
The last method and maybe the best option for you depending on your likes and dislikes and also needs is a Penis Extender.
It has proven effective in enlarging the male organ without surgery which means no pain and minimal expense.
As mentioned above plastic surgeons who perform male enhancement surgeries recommend and prescribe extenders for post surgery treatment.
The fact that it is endorsed by doctors proves the effectiveness of the device.