- According to Simply Hired on July 13, 2011, the average salary for a polarity therapist is $37,000. However, according to the Local Healers website, the salary of a polarity therapist can range from $29,000 to $100,000 and earnings can range from $16 per hour to $120 per hour. This significant difference is dependent upon the area in which the therapist practices and whether she sets up her own practice or is the employee of someone else.
- In general, a polarity therapist who establishes her own practice with recurrent clientele will likely earn more annually than those therapists which choose to work at local spas, doctor's offices or clinics. This is because those in private practice have unlimited earning potential. However, as an employee, a polarity therapist may receive other fringe benefits that increase overall compensation and she will likely enjoy greater stability.
- The American Polarity Therapy Association establishes the rules that govern the educational requirements for a practitioner. There are two types of certificates to legally practice polarity therapy. An Associate Polarity Practitioner receives 155 hours of training for certification, whereas a Registered Polarity Practitioner receives 615 hours. Higher credentials and levels of certification usually lead to greater earnings. Many polarity therapists also practice other forms of healing and have certificates in fields such as massage therapy.
- According to Simply Hired on July 13, 2011, massage therapists earn an average salary of $22,000 to $38,000. According to the Local Healer website on this same date, the salary range of a massage therapist is $25,000 to $100,000. A polarity therapist who also seeks this certification has a much greater earning potential because she can grow her client base and offer a greater range of services.
Average Salary
Private Practice versus Employee
Educational Requirements
Massage Therapist Salary