Health & Medical Nutrition

Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight

Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight

The reason why this is correct goes back to your primitive ancestry. Your body needs to maintain a proper fluid balance to function properly and survive. It is actually possible to survive without eating for a considerable length of time, but without water death can come on much faster. Going back to your ancestry your body will recognise if it is not getting enough water and will go into "drought mode". This means that you will actually store water which in itself weighs quite a bit.

The main body storage system is of course fat. The kidneys are the way that water is removed from the body so they will slow down and the liver will take over some of their role. The liver is the organ responsible for processing and breaking down fat so if it is busy doing something else then the fat burning will slow down and you will put more on.

So does drinking water help you lose weight? If you go back to drinking more water then it certainly will. Once you start to drink more then at first you will excrete more and need to go to the loo more often, but this phase is only temporary. Your body will recognize that it no longer needs to be in drought mode and will start to flush away all the stored water that it realises that it does not need any more. It will actually get rid of more than you are taking in. As long as you keep up the correct regime (which I will come to soon) then you will reach a balance and normal function will resume.

As well as getting rid of excess water your body will also become far better at removing harmful toxins as both liver and kidneys function more efficiently. The liver will process fat far better too. Turning it into fuel for the muscles to use up.

This is the reason why a lot of rapid loss diets work. They all invariably tell you to drink more so that at first you will lose a lot of weight very quickly. It is actually water that you are losing at first.

If drinking water helps you lose weight then how much should you be drinking? A good amount for the day is between 4 and 8 pints. Up towards the higher end of those figures at first. it does sound like a lot but if spread out through the day then it really is not too hard to achieve. It is not good to drink too much at one go and condiderably overdoing it is dangerous.

So in conclusion does drinking water help you lose weight? It certainly does but on the other hand you have to follow other regimes too. If you do not stick to a calorie controlled balanced diet such as those I review at Healthy Weight Loss Online and keep up a certain amount of exercise then you will only lose so much. If it is long term weight loss you are looking for then you will need to do more.
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