If you are struggling with credit card debt and see no end in sight, you need to seek a resolution to the problem today.
With the interest rates banks are charging, 18%, 24%, and even 27%, your balance will take years to pay off, if ever.
One of the best choices you can make is to legally settle your credit card debt with the card companies using a debt settlement company and then resolve to never get yourself in the situation again.
How do you go about starting the process to legally eliminate credit card debt? The first step is to decide if you want to go at this alone.
Studies have shown that consumers on their own rarely achieve any significant decrease in their balance when they deal with the card companies themselves.
The reason is the card companies know you do not have any leverage.
Using debt settlement companies significantly increases your chances because they are representing thousands of their customers, so the card companies are more likely to do business with them.
Connecting with a debt settlement company who does this professionally will give you an advocate who can work toward either credit card debt cancellation completely, or a reduction in what you owe.
Credit card companies are motivated to settle credit card debt if you have fallen behind on your payments as they receive very little from debt collectors once they send out your debt to them ( roughly 3 to 5 cents for every dollar collected), so if they receive a call from a debt settlement company offering to settle your credit card debt for half of what you owe, they will listen! You will need to work with your debt settlement company to come up with a figure you can work with and afford to pay off.
Depending on what state you are in, the card company could accept as low as 30% of what you owe, your debt counselor will be able to tell you what you can reasonably expect.
When your debt counselor negotiates with the credit card company, they may ask you to write a hardship letter describing what your finances are in and what you reasonably can afford.
They will document all conversations they have had with your card company and what agreements they have brokered on your behalf.
It makes sense to step off the high interest rate treadmill that simply causes you to go into deeper debt each day and enlist one of the preferred debt settlement companies to advocate on your behalf to slash what you owe dramatically (significantly more than you would be able to do on your own) and reach a settlement.
Imagine the relief when you have settled what you owe and you can move on with your life without credit card debt hanging over your head.
Start the process today.
With the interest rates banks are charging, 18%, 24%, and even 27%, your balance will take years to pay off, if ever.
One of the best choices you can make is to legally settle your credit card debt with the card companies using a debt settlement company and then resolve to never get yourself in the situation again.
How do you go about starting the process to legally eliminate credit card debt? The first step is to decide if you want to go at this alone.
Studies have shown that consumers on their own rarely achieve any significant decrease in their balance when they deal with the card companies themselves.
The reason is the card companies know you do not have any leverage.
Using debt settlement companies significantly increases your chances because they are representing thousands of their customers, so the card companies are more likely to do business with them.
Connecting with a debt settlement company who does this professionally will give you an advocate who can work toward either credit card debt cancellation completely, or a reduction in what you owe.
Credit card companies are motivated to settle credit card debt if you have fallen behind on your payments as they receive very little from debt collectors once they send out your debt to them ( roughly 3 to 5 cents for every dollar collected), so if they receive a call from a debt settlement company offering to settle your credit card debt for half of what you owe, they will listen! You will need to work with your debt settlement company to come up with a figure you can work with and afford to pay off.
Depending on what state you are in, the card company could accept as low as 30% of what you owe, your debt counselor will be able to tell you what you can reasonably expect.
When your debt counselor negotiates with the credit card company, they may ask you to write a hardship letter describing what your finances are in and what you reasonably can afford.
They will document all conversations they have had with your card company and what agreements they have brokered on your behalf.
It makes sense to step off the high interest rate treadmill that simply causes you to go into deeper debt each day and enlist one of the preferred debt settlement companies to advocate on your behalf to slash what you owe dramatically (significantly more than you would be able to do on your own) and reach a settlement.
Imagine the relief when you have settled what you owe and you can move on with your life without credit card debt hanging over your head.
Start the process today.