Want to create your own products that people can't wait to buy? Then you have come to the right place to find out how.
Here are 3 great ways to create your own products that people will buy over and over again.
Create an audio or video series Who said you had to write to create your products? Today, more and more people want to hear and see the real you, and they can do that through audio and video sessions.
There are some people that have never written the first word in an ebook, but they have some of the best material on CD or DVD.
And they sell a bunch of it too.
Don't put yourself in a box thinking that you have to write and write and write to have your own products.
Buy an eBook you can resale This is one of the most exciting ways to have your own products.
Did you know that there are websites where you can buy an eBook for a couple of dollars and resell it as many times as you like? I have seen ebooks that sell for $19 or $29 that you can purchase with resell rights for only $2.
You can even get some ebooks with resell rights for absolutely free! 3.
Interview an expert This is a fairly easy way to create your own product - just record an interview with someone that knows something about your subject.
Sell that interview (with the expert's permission, of course) or transcribe their interview into a readable format.
For example, my dad is a pastor.
When I create material of a religious nature, if I need some help on a topic or just need some good material, I ask him some questions and record his answers.
Bang! I have new material! Don't make this harder than it has to be.
Is your website about cars? Interview a good mechanic.
Is your website about cooking? Interview a friend about some of the tips have learned.
Is your website about pet car? Talk to a veterinarian.
Leverage other people's knowledge, give them credit for their contribution, and then use their knowledge to create your own products..
Here are 3 great ways to create your own products that people will buy over and over again.
Create an audio or video series Who said you had to write to create your products? Today, more and more people want to hear and see the real you, and they can do that through audio and video sessions.
There are some people that have never written the first word in an ebook, but they have some of the best material on CD or DVD.
And they sell a bunch of it too.
Don't put yourself in a box thinking that you have to write and write and write to have your own products.
Buy an eBook you can resale This is one of the most exciting ways to have your own products.
Did you know that there are websites where you can buy an eBook for a couple of dollars and resell it as many times as you like? I have seen ebooks that sell for $19 or $29 that you can purchase with resell rights for only $2.
You can even get some ebooks with resell rights for absolutely free! 3.
Interview an expert This is a fairly easy way to create your own product - just record an interview with someone that knows something about your subject.
Sell that interview (with the expert's permission, of course) or transcribe their interview into a readable format.
For example, my dad is a pastor.
When I create material of a religious nature, if I need some help on a topic or just need some good material, I ask him some questions and record his answers.
Bang! I have new material! Don't make this harder than it has to be.
Is your website about cars? Interview a good mechanic.
Is your website about cooking? Interview a friend about some of the tips have learned.
Is your website about pet car? Talk to a veterinarian.
Leverage other people's knowledge, give them credit for their contribution, and then use their knowledge to create your own products..