That is a question worth asking.
To start with, knowing a bit about the game's history would be useful.
World of Warcraft, online version, was officially proclaimed in September 2001.
It was on November 23rd, 2004, that World of Warcraft finally hit the internet, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the franchise.
The game has continued to take shape with the first expansion, the Burning Crusade, in 2007 closely followed by the Wrath of the Lich King in 2008.
A third expansion, Cataclysm, is planned but no confirmed date has been announced at this point.
A good WoW Guide is precisely what you require to find your way into this involved and stimulating game.
What you need in a World of Warcraft Guide is the latest source on how to achieve something in the World of Warcraft.
Both inexperienced players and experienced gamers alike should gain from a comprehensive guide to the game which should contain secrets and ideas for success.
Let's take a glimpse at a number of basic tips for inexperienced beginners.
initially you will need a home, or server, on which to play.
null The two basic ways to enjoy the game are either in 'Player Vs Player' mode or 'Role-Playing'.
You can choose from two opposing factions The Horde and The Alliance, both of whom provide a range of characters with differing traits and abilities and your WoW Guide must help you with your selection of identities.
These are selected from: The Horde: Blood Elves; Orcs; Trolls; Tauren; Undead.
The Alliance: Draenei; Dwarves; Gnomes; Humans; Night Elves.
Servers are divided into three types.
Some will permit you to chose characters from both factions while others will only let you a choice from one or the other.
As you advance through the game you will acquire experience, equipment and gold that will improve your abilities and strengths.
throughout the game you will interact with computerized characters referred to as NPC's and other human "Avatars".
You begin at level 1 heading for level 80 and all you want is the proper World of Warcraft Guide to get you there promptly and efficiently.
In your travels you can choose from a number of professions and specialties that will assist you in obtaining experience and gold and, if you chose the right combinations, can significantly advantage your character at later levels.
The various professions available are: Alchemy; Blacksmithing; Cooking; Enchanting; Engineering; First Aid; Fishing; Herbalism; Inscription; Jewelcrafting; Leather Working; Mining; Skinning; Tailoring.
The last choice to make at this point in time is which class to opt for.
All are very unique with differing styles of play so a guide to them all would greatly assist your choice.
These classes are: Death Knight; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock and Warrior.
And that's only the beginning..
If you are foreign to the game, this is all really confusing.
So wouldn't it be nice if there was a WoW Guide to lead you through the complete procedure and help you along the way.
To start with, knowing a bit about the game's history would be useful.
World of Warcraft, online version, was officially proclaimed in September 2001.
It was on November 23rd, 2004, that World of Warcraft finally hit the internet, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the franchise.
The game has continued to take shape with the first expansion, the Burning Crusade, in 2007 closely followed by the Wrath of the Lich King in 2008.
A third expansion, Cataclysm, is planned but no confirmed date has been announced at this point.
A good WoW Guide is precisely what you require to find your way into this involved and stimulating game.
What you need in a World of Warcraft Guide is the latest source on how to achieve something in the World of Warcraft.
Both inexperienced players and experienced gamers alike should gain from a comprehensive guide to the game which should contain secrets and ideas for success.
Let's take a glimpse at a number of basic tips for inexperienced beginners.
initially you will need a home, or server, on which to play.
null The two basic ways to enjoy the game are either in 'Player Vs Player' mode or 'Role-Playing'.
You can choose from two opposing factions The Horde and The Alliance, both of whom provide a range of characters with differing traits and abilities and your WoW Guide must help you with your selection of identities.
These are selected from: The Horde: Blood Elves; Orcs; Trolls; Tauren; Undead.
The Alliance: Draenei; Dwarves; Gnomes; Humans; Night Elves.
Servers are divided into three types.
Some will permit you to chose characters from both factions while others will only let you a choice from one or the other.
As you advance through the game you will acquire experience, equipment and gold that will improve your abilities and strengths.
throughout the game you will interact with computerized characters referred to as NPC's and other human "Avatars".
You begin at level 1 heading for level 80 and all you want is the proper World of Warcraft Guide to get you there promptly and efficiently.
In your travels you can choose from a number of professions and specialties that will assist you in obtaining experience and gold and, if you chose the right combinations, can significantly advantage your character at later levels.
The various professions available are: Alchemy; Blacksmithing; Cooking; Enchanting; Engineering; First Aid; Fishing; Herbalism; Inscription; Jewelcrafting; Leather Working; Mining; Skinning; Tailoring.
The last choice to make at this point in time is which class to opt for.
All are very unique with differing styles of play so a guide to them all would greatly assist your choice.
These classes are: Death Knight; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock and Warrior.
And that's only the beginning..
If you are foreign to the game, this is all really confusing.
So wouldn't it be nice if there was a WoW Guide to lead you through the complete procedure and help you along the way.