- 1). Gather information on resources used. The most common data needed are: author, date, publisher, city published, date published, pages used and medium type. When relevant, make note of editors, anthology and journal titles, website names and URLs.
- 2). Format a separate page at the end of your document with one-inch margins. Double-space paragraphs, but do not include additional blank lines between entries. If your document has page numbers, number the bibliography as the last page.
- 3). Using plain 12-point font, center the title "Works Cited" at the top of the page. Create a hanging indent that is half an inch or five spaces; this can be done by dragging the bottom margin tab on your word processor's ruler.
- 4). Format citations according to the following MLA guidelines (easybib.com and The Owl at Purdue):
Book: Last, First M. Title. City Published: Publisher, Year Published. Print.
Chapter in or whole anthology: Last, First M. Section Title. Book/Anthology Title. Ed. First M. Last. Edition. City Published: Publisher, Year Published. Print.
Magazine: Last, First M. "Article title." Magazine Day Month Year: Page(s). Print.
Scholarly or trade journal: Last, First M. "Article." Journal Name Volume.Issue (Year): Page(s). Print.
Website: Last, First M. "Website Article." Website. Publisher, Last Updated Day Month Year. Web. Date Accessed Day Month Year. (Do not include the words "Last Updated" or "Date Accessed" in your citation.)
Online database (such as Jstor, Lexis Nexis, and ProQuest): Last, First M. "Article." Journal Volume.Issue (Year): Pages. Database. Web. Date Accessed Day Month Year.
TV or Radio: "Episode." Contributors. Program Title. Network. Call Letter, City, Date. Medium. (Italicize the title of the program.)
Video: Title. Contributors. Distributor, Year of release. Medium viewed.
Recorded sound (CD, mp3, WMA, AAC): Contributors. "Song." Album. Band. Manufacturer, Year. Medium.
Images: Last, First M. Title. Year created. Medium of work. Museum/collection, City. (If the image is found online, list the name of the website instead of museum/collection and city.) - 5). Alphabetize all citations. Check that all titles of longer works (films, books, plays, magazines and journals) are italicized and all titles of shorter works (poems and articles) are in quotations.
- 6). Print your document on white paper or save in a common format type (.doc, .RTF or .PDF).