- 1). Shut the computer down and wait approximately one minute. Restart the computer and re-launch Internet Explorer. Attempt to connect to the Yahoo! page.
- 2). Click on the "Tools" option in the IE8 toolbar and select "Delete Browsing History." A popup window will appear. Place a checkmark next to each of the values and select "Delete." Restart the browser.
- 3). Choose the "Tools" option in the IE8 toolbar and click "Internet Options." Choose the "Advanced" tab, then un-check "Enable third-party browser extensions." Click "OK" and restart the browser. Attempt to connect to the Yahoo! page. If the browser does not crash, you have an add-on that is conflicting with Yahoo!; try updating or deleting old and out-of-date add-ons.
- 4). Click the "Tools" option in the IE8 toolbar, and select "Internet Options." Choose the "Security" tab, highlight the "Internet" zone and click the "Custom Level" button. Scroll down and locate the "Scripting" section. Choose the "Enable" option for "Active scripting" and "Scripting of Java applets." Click "OK" twice to save your changes. Restart the browser.
- 5). Visit get.adobe.com/flashplayer, and click the orange "Download now" button to update the Flash player in your browser. Save the file to your desktop and double-click it to launch the installer. Yahoo! mail requires Flash player and may crash due to an out-of-date installation of the software.