Our best opportunities in life are predicted by the global interests of the people within our world.
I have noticed a definite interest, even a movement, towards the creation of collaborative communities.
These are communities where the residents work in unison to take actionable steps towards; reducing waste, helping poverty, putting a stop to over consumption and beginning the process of establishing a meaningful life existence that values time and family.
The main objective of collaborative communities is to dramatically reduce expenses, which can shorten the workweek and grant us all freedom to live a life we can enjoy.
This observation has inspired the creation of a new website idea that any entrepreneur, who's interested in contributing to their local community, can execute and start a gratifying career that will change you, your family & community.
However, before moving forward, let's acknowledge our present situation.
Our economy is in distress.
The U.
Government has just recently reached 18 trillion dollars in debt and huge corporations are squashing small businesses like bugs.
Many small businesses are choking, itching and scratching at the mercy of these large corporations.
The corporations seem to have no consciousness and will not cease stripping the citizens of this world until they have been handed our last dollar.
It will not be until the people stand up for their every right, that together we can stop supporting the carnage that corporations are delivering to small businesses and people.
We need to begin supporting the growth of local small businesses.
Have I gotten your attention? Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy.
Without small businesses we bow down hungry, poor and ashamed in frustration of large corporations.
It is now time to dig deep for a real solution that will grant us our true rights to free enterprise.
A solution that frees us from the slavery of eccentric money manipulators.
Our true rights lie in our ability to stand.
Small businesses are simply unique ideas that have been nurtured by local residents.
It's these very ideas that transform a simple thought into a full blown enterprise.
If the people allow only a few corporations the opportunity to impress new concepts on to people's lives, then we will miss out on the true value and freedoms that we're all entitled to.
You only have one choice...
and that is to stand.
Stand for your community.
Stand for your family.
Stand for you.
Collaborative communities offer us an opportunity to not only work together, but to stand.
By joining together we can help put an end to the practices that damage our communities.
In addition, we can inspire the people of our communities to share their inner passions with the other residents of the community.
In part 2 I will discuss a new website idea using the collaborative community concept as a way to create a unique business.
I have noticed a definite interest, even a movement, towards the creation of collaborative communities.
These are communities where the residents work in unison to take actionable steps towards; reducing waste, helping poverty, putting a stop to over consumption and beginning the process of establishing a meaningful life existence that values time and family.
The main objective of collaborative communities is to dramatically reduce expenses, which can shorten the workweek and grant us all freedom to live a life we can enjoy.
This observation has inspired the creation of a new website idea that any entrepreneur, who's interested in contributing to their local community, can execute and start a gratifying career that will change you, your family & community.
However, before moving forward, let's acknowledge our present situation.
Our economy is in distress.
The U.
Government has just recently reached 18 trillion dollars in debt and huge corporations are squashing small businesses like bugs.
Many small businesses are choking, itching and scratching at the mercy of these large corporations.
The corporations seem to have no consciousness and will not cease stripping the citizens of this world until they have been handed our last dollar.
It will not be until the people stand up for their every right, that together we can stop supporting the carnage that corporations are delivering to small businesses and people.
We need to begin supporting the growth of local small businesses.
Have I gotten your attention? Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy.
Without small businesses we bow down hungry, poor and ashamed in frustration of large corporations.
It is now time to dig deep for a real solution that will grant us our true rights to free enterprise.
A solution that frees us from the slavery of eccentric money manipulators.
Our true rights lie in our ability to stand.
Small businesses are simply unique ideas that have been nurtured by local residents.
It's these very ideas that transform a simple thought into a full blown enterprise.
If the people allow only a few corporations the opportunity to impress new concepts on to people's lives, then we will miss out on the true value and freedoms that we're all entitled to.
You only have one choice...
and that is to stand.
Stand for your community.
Stand for your family.
Stand for you.
Collaborative communities offer us an opportunity to not only work together, but to stand.
By joining together we can help put an end to the practices that damage our communities.
In addition, we can inspire the people of our communities to share their inner passions with the other residents of the community.
In part 2 I will discuss a new website idea using the collaborative community concept as a way to create a unique business.