1Click the "File" menu, then click the "New" command. This displays a dialog box for navigating to a template from which to make a new canvas. Click "Open" to accept the default template and close the dialog. AutoCAD creates the canvas.
Type "Spline" to enter the mode for drawing spline curves. Click a point on the canvas to place the curve's first point. Drag right and up a short distance, then click the mouse again. AutoCAD draws a straight line connecting the two points you specified. Drag right a short distance. AutoCAD automatically updates the curve to flow smoothly through its points and your mouse cursor.
Click the mouse to specify the spine's third point, which forms the "C" of the lower half of the ogee curve's left half. Drag the mouse diagonally up and right a short distance, then click again to complete the "S" of the curves left half. Press "Enter" to exit the mode for drawing splines.
Type "Mirror" to enter the mode for creating duplicates of designs that are mirror images of those designs. Click the top point of the curve you drew to specify the first of two points that define the mirror line. Drag directly downward for a short distance, then click again to complete the mirror. AutoCAD duplicates the left half of the ogee, and flips it to create the curve's mirror image.
Click the duplicate to select it, then drag right until the tops of the original curve and its duplicate join together in a single point.