- 1). Get the Stone Badge, Knuckle Badge, Dynamo Badge, Heat Badge, Balance Badge, Feather Badge, Mind Badge and Rain Badge from the eight gym leaders in "Pokemon Sapphire" or "Pokemon Ruby." Defeat Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake and Steven to become the Elite Four Champion.
- 2). Place two Pokemon into your Pokemon Storage System to make room for Celebi and Jirachi in "Pokemon Sapphire" or "Pokemon Ruby." Save your game in front of the Pokemon Storage System. Switch off your Game Boy Advance. Insert the English Bonus Disc into your GameCube.
- 3). Turn on your GameCube and choose the second option, which is "Jirachi Special Gift." Use the Nintendo GameCube to Game Boy Advance Link Cable to connect the GameCube with the Game Boy Advance. Power on your Game Boy Advance when prompted. After about 10 seconds, you will have Jirachi in your party in "Pokemon Sapphire" or "Pokemon Ruby."
- 4). Power off your GameCube and replace the English Bonus Disc with the Japanese Bonus Disc. Select the "Sacred Shrine" on the main menu of your GameCube. The Japanese Bonus Disc will download a Level 5 Celebi to "Pokemon Sapphire" or "Pokemon Ruby."
- 5). Unhook the Nintendo GameCube to Game Boy Advance Link Cable from your Game Boy Advance. Insert "Pokemon Emerald" into another Game Boy Advance. Use the Game Boy Advance Game Link Cable to connect the two Game Boy Advance. Speak to the second reception on the top floor of a Pokemon Center in both games.
- 6). Select the Jirachi to trade in "Pokemon Sapphire" or "Pokemon Ruby." Choose any Pokemon to trade in "Pokemon Emerald." Once the trade is complete, do another trade to get Celebi in "Pokemon Emerald" as well.