Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

Marching Along

In England, until the Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1752, March was considered what month of the calendar year? A.
First B.
Fourth C.
Eighth D.
Last A.
First QQ: In England, until the Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1752, March was considered the first month with the legal year beginning on March 25.
What animal is honored on March 1? A.
Pig B.
Horse C.
Cow D.
Chicken A.
Pig QQ: March 1 is National Pig Day.
It was started by Texas art teacher Ellen Stanley in 1972 to honor and give thanks to our most intelligent domesticated creature.
Also known as St.
David's Day, what country holds March 1 as its National Day? A.
Ireland B.
England C.
Wales D.
Scotland C.
Wales QQ: March 1, St.
David's Day, is the national day of Wales.
David was the founder and first abbot-bishop of Menevia, now St.
David's in Dyfed, South Wales.
The day is commemorated by the wearing of daffodils or leeks.
Both plants are traditionally regarded as national emblems.
What organ of the body is honored the third week in March? A.
Heart B.
Skin C.
Lungs D.
Brain D.
Brain QQ: The third week of March is Brain Awareness Week in support of brain disease and research.
What favorite food is honored in March? A.
Soup B.
Eggs C.
Steak D.
Noodles D.
Noodles QQ: As legend has it, noodles were first made by 13th century German bakers who fashioned dough into symbolic shapes, such as words, birds and stars.
These "nudels" were then baked and served as bread.
March national noodle month.
According to Roman mythology, Mars is the God of War.
He was also regarded as what? A.
Father of Rome B.
Destroyer of Rome C.
Founder of Rome D.
Builder of Rome A.
Father of Rome QQ: One of the most important Roman deities, Mars was regarded as the father of the Roman people because he was the father of Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome.
Although his original nature and functions are obscure, Mars was identified by the Romans with the Greek god of war, Ares.
The month of March was named for Mars.
The week of March 20-26 is designated to honor what childhood pastime? A.
Chewing Gum B.
Bubbles C.
Slinky D.
Yoyo B.
Bubbles QQ: March 20 to 26, 2004, is "National Bubble Week," the week for kids of all ages to celebrate the fun and enchantment of bubbles.
The first-ever Bubble Week was in 2000 and was initiated by Oddzon, makers of Koosh Bubbles.
The event was created to herald the first day of spring -- the unspoken first day of the bubble-blowing season.
March has its own insect, the March ____.
What is it? A.
Bee B.
Moth C.
Beetle D.
Fly D.
Fly QQ: There are about 119,500 known species of flies and they make up the fourth largest insect order, after the beetles, butterflies and moths, and bees and wasps.
What piece of foul weather gear is honored in the month of March? A.
Raincoat B.
Galoshes C.
Rubber boots D.
Umbrella D.
Umbrella QQ: March is national umbrella month As a shade from the sun, the umbrella is of great antiquity.
It is only more recently we have come to see the umbrella as protection from rain.
What favorite snack food is honored in the month of March? A.
Corn chips B.
Popcorn C.
Peanuts D.
Cheese curds C.
Peanutsv QQ: March is National Peanut Month.
National Peanut Month had its beginnings as National Peanut Week in 1941.
It was expanded to a month-long celebration in 1974.
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