It has been researched, and proven, that for the first time it appears that half of all insured people are taking prescription medicines regularly for chronic health problems.
It was hard to believe when I read that 51% of children and adults are taking one or more prescription drugs.
And as people age about one quarter of our senior citizens takes five or more pills a day! It is no surprise that there is a strong link to suggest that people need to lose weight in order to be healthier.
More people are being declared a diabetic which usually is the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle.
The medical profession has declared that losing 10% of your body weight could possibly regulate your body enough to minimize or even eliminate your medications.
Even with this information it seems people do not have the motivation to get moving by exercising and walking and eating less.
People are dependent upon their medicines and are scared to get make a change.
As people age, we all just expect to have to take more pills to be healthy.
I went to a doctor a few years back and observed every time she walked in the treatment room she was carrying a prescription pad! That was scary and when I would tell her my complaints she would write a prescription.
One day I left with seven prescriptions in my purse.
I threw them away, after I tore them up, and found a new physician.
The mission of all of us should be to shout from the mountain top "Wake up everyone.
Take a daily walk, exercise and eat healthy".
Why is this such a challenge for most people? The problem could be it is easier to pop a pill and sit around than to take that added effort of taking care of yourself.
It was hard to believe when I read that 51% of children and adults are taking one or more prescription drugs.
And as people age about one quarter of our senior citizens takes five or more pills a day! It is no surprise that there is a strong link to suggest that people need to lose weight in order to be healthier.
More people are being declared a diabetic which usually is the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle.
The medical profession has declared that losing 10% of your body weight could possibly regulate your body enough to minimize or even eliminate your medications.
Even with this information it seems people do not have the motivation to get moving by exercising and walking and eating less.
People are dependent upon their medicines and are scared to get make a change.
As people age, we all just expect to have to take more pills to be healthy.
I went to a doctor a few years back and observed every time she walked in the treatment room she was carrying a prescription pad! That was scary and when I would tell her my complaints she would write a prescription.
One day I left with seven prescriptions in my purse.
I threw them away, after I tore them up, and found a new physician.
The mission of all of us should be to shout from the mountain top "Wake up everyone.
Take a daily walk, exercise and eat healthy".
Why is this such a challenge for most people? The problem could be it is easier to pop a pill and sit around than to take that added effort of taking care of yourself.