Health & Medical Men's Health

Natural Penis Enlargement Is Possible Through Penis Exercises - Studies Reveal!

The common and wide-spread belief is that men are stuck with the penis they were born with and there is nothing that can be done naturally to make it permanently larger.
But all this is, is a belief and nothing more.
There are people who simply refuse to believe that such a thing as natural penis enlargement is possible, but it is, through penile exercises.
In the recent years more evidence shows that contrary to popular belief, it is very much possible to make the penis harder and larger through exercises.
The evidence that penile exercises do work can be seen all over the web these days.
Over 1 million men have tried these exercises, some with very little success and some with significant success.
There are many online communities where guys get together and discuss their experiences.
Anyone who takes a bit of time to visit these communities will realize that penis enlargement is indeed possible, albeit it is not as easy and quick as some might believe.
There is also several studies done which show very clearly that penile exercises really do work.
One of which was conducted by Aaron Kemmer in 2005, where over 1000 men took part.
These results showed that in a 3-4 month period it is possible to gain over 1 inches in length and half an inch in girth, on average.
This means that the average man was able to increase the volume of his manhood by around 50%.
In 1975 Dr.
Brian Richards also conducted a study about penis exercises and their effect to the penis.
This study was published in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine and the British Medical Journal.
Out of the 30 men who started, 28 of them showed verifiable and permanent enlargement of the penis.
The study itself lasted for 3 months.
The average girth increase was an inch and length increase was 1.
125 inches.
These results are average and if you take the time to exercise your penis persistently and correctly for 3-4 months, you can expect the same results or even better.
It is certainly possible to make 2-3 inch gains.
There are even some guys who have gained up to 3.
5 inches in length and over 2 inches in girth.
Very few get this far and those that have, have spent 1-2 years or even more of constant exercising to get that far.
There are lots of guys who have at first been very skeptical and rightfully so, because there is so much lies and scams when it comes to penis enlargement.
It is very hard for most people to believe that the penis can actually be significantly enlarged with nothing but the bare hands and lubrication.
It seems a bit too good to be true, "Enlarge your penis by 2-3 inches naturally and safely!" But the evidence is there for all to see.
Penis enlargement and enhancement should become more mainstream for several reasons.
Men who are able to enlarge their penis obviously become far more confident and become better lovers.
Considering that only a small percentage of females get regular vaginal orgasms, it should be a good thing.
The society is unaware of the benefits that penile exercises provide such as a larger penis, stronger erections, ending of premature ejaculation, better orgasms etc.
Over 200 million men along suffer from erectile dysfunction, not to mention other penis issues.
Erection drugs do not solve the problem, because they are only a band-aid.
The best way to solve all kinds of conditions such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, is to keep the penis is good health by doing penile exercises.
Every man should want to keep his manhood in great health and penile exercises are the way to do it!
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