Health & Medical Healthy Living

Healthy Habit Activities for Middle School

    • Active kids are healthy kidskids jumping image by sonya etchison from

      Adolescence is such an important, transitionary time in the life of a child. Lifelong consequences can come from the decisions made at this time, in many ways they need more supervision and teaching than they ever did before as they approach the teen years--adulthood looming in the distance. With one foot in childhood and one foot in adulthood, they need a helping hand to guide them.


    • Everyone is talking about the obesity epidemic in children. Nobody wants kids to struggle with weight issues all their lives. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, obese children are at higher risk for diabetes and other long term medical problems, not to mention that it is just plain uncomfortable to be fat. Get them started now on a healthy lifestyle and they will thank you for it in the years to come. Getting kids off the video and computer games is a challenge for all parents. People, especially kids are not meant to sit all day. Daniel G. Amen, M.D. indicates in his best seller "Change Your Brain Change Your Body" that of all the things he recommends, exercise is the most important.


    • The nutritional chart used in the Healthy Schools Act of 2010 lays down some guidelines that would be good to try and follow at home. Make sure kids in middle school eat a serving of dark green or yellow vegetables three or more times per week (two or more of these should be a of different variety), a different fruit every day, a serving of legumes, and whole grains. Fruit juice should not replace fruit, milk should be skim or low fat, comfort foods and drinks should be low in sugar, and low in fat.


    • Middle school kids still need to be reminded about basic cleanliness. Things like brushing and flossing teeth need to be habits they feel uncomfortable not doing. There are serious long term consequences for neglecting your teeth. Wash hands frequently, especially after using the restroom and before eating. Nails can contain germs underneath them so they should be kept short. Such nasty habits like biting nails or bad table manners should be discouraged as they are harmful to kids socially. This is the age where kids start needing deodorant, and should shower every day. They are growing up, and need every chance you can give them to have success in their lives.

    Social Life

    • Kids need social lives, and some have an easy time making and keeping friends, and getting invited, but some don't. For kids who might be shy encourage social activities. Not only will this help her not be lonely, but it will teach her the lifelong skill of finding things to do and places to meet people. Look for events your child will enjoy participating in. Not all kids thrive under the same circumstances. Some like team sports but some might like quieter activities, things like book clubs for kids, or chess clubs. Some kids are the outdoors type and might like to hike or fish. Use resources like the local library or recreation centers to find activities that fit each child as an individual, no need to fit a square peg in a round hole.

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