Health & Medical Healthy Living

Home Remedy for a Body Cleanse

    Drinking More Water

    • One thing that anyone can do to cleanse the body is to drink more water. Water is necessary for the numerous processes of the body, but water is also good at flushing away poisons and debris. It is recommended that a person remain hydrated by drinking 64 ounces of water throughout the day.


    • With most fasts you totally abstain from food, but many allow juices or herbal teas. During a fast the body concentrates on cleaning. When food is eaten, the body concentrates on digesting and absorbing the nutrients it needs. Energy is required for this process, so there is little energy left over for self-repair. A fast gives the digestive system a short break. A one- or two-day fast is doable if you have no medical problems. Longer fasts should be undertaken only with a doctor's permission.


    • While many people don't like to exercise, it is an effective way to cleanse the body of toxins. Most toxins are stored in the fatty tissues in the body. Exercising helps you to lose fat. When the unwanted pounds go away, so do the toxins that were in the fat. Any type of physical exercise is beneficial. Walking and yoga are two mild forms of exercise. If you are up to it, swimming, cycling and jogging are even better at burning fat. If you build up a sweat during aerobic exercise, then toxins are also released by the pores all over the body.

    Eating Healthier

    • When not fasting, a healthy diet is essential to a body cleanse. The body needs minerals or vitamins to maintain its health. The best sources of these vitamins are fruits and vegetables. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are also effective. Organic foods are best, if you can get them. These foods are more expensive but they also have fewer chemicals. Fiber should also be added to the diet in the form of whole grains. Lots of fiber encourages more frequent bowel movements which eliminates fecal matter in a timely manner. If the wastes stay in the colon too long, some of the toxins are eventually reabsorbed by the intestines. A good diet keeps you regular and this helps to clean out the body.

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