Any kind of cancer has no cure which means stage iv lung cancer has no cure too. We maybe aware what is lung cancer. It is a condition in our lungs where the tissues are growing uncontrollably. The abnormal cells are attacking the healthy cells and destroys our lungs. Do you know that this is the only preventable disease but still the top causes of death among men and women in the world.
The number one cause of lung cancer around the world is cigarette or tobacco smoking. With the highest death rate, it's kind of ironic why there are still people who continuously smoking despite the fact that they already know what's going to happen to them. It's called addiction. If there is alcohol addiction, there is also what we call smoking addiction. Some would like to stop but just can't get over it until it has reached the stage iv lung cancer.
End stage lung cancer is critical for the patient. A patient would notice that he or she has loosen weight and most of the time experience pain in the bones or joints. Coughing is the first symptom that would develop and can get worse if not treated at an earliest time. Tumors in our lungs can metastasized to the other parts of our body. Which means, it can also affect our liver, bones and brain. Imagine how it can destroy us, slowly but painfully.
Advanced stages of cancer has options for treatments. Treatments that can provide help for patients when they feel intense pain and for the symptoms. These are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. However, not all of these are recommended for those who have stage iv lung cancer. There are important factors to be considered before one must undergo all through it. The general health, the age and other illness of diseases being suffered by the patient are important for doctors to find out before they provide the options for you.
If you are currently smoking or someone you know does, do not wait until it reaches stage iv lung cancer. We must act early to have it treated easily than to have no hope or chances at all. For those of us who are not smoking, we must keep it that way and maintain a healthy life. Exercise regularly, eat foods rick in vitamin C for stronger immune system and do not ever try to smoke. 'Prevention is better than cure', if we have a way to prevent it, then let's choose that path.
The number one cause of lung cancer around the world is cigarette or tobacco smoking. With the highest death rate, it's kind of ironic why there are still people who continuously smoking despite the fact that they already know what's going to happen to them. It's called addiction. If there is alcohol addiction, there is also what we call smoking addiction. Some would like to stop but just can't get over it until it has reached the stage iv lung cancer.
End stage lung cancer is critical for the patient. A patient would notice that he or she has loosen weight and most of the time experience pain in the bones or joints. Coughing is the first symptom that would develop and can get worse if not treated at an earliest time. Tumors in our lungs can metastasized to the other parts of our body. Which means, it can also affect our liver, bones and brain. Imagine how it can destroy us, slowly but painfully.
Advanced stages of cancer has options for treatments. Treatments that can provide help for patients when they feel intense pain and for the symptoms. These are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. However, not all of these are recommended for those who have stage iv lung cancer. There are important factors to be considered before one must undergo all through it. The general health, the age and other illness of diseases being suffered by the patient are important for doctors to find out before they provide the options for you.
If you are currently smoking or someone you know does, do not wait until it reaches stage iv lung cancer. We must act early to have it treated easily than to have no hope or chances at all. For those of us who are not smoking, we must keep it that way and maintain a healthy life. Exercise regularly, eat foods rick in vitamin C for stronger immune system and do not ever try to smoke. 'Prevention is better than cure', if we have a way to prevent it, then let's choose that path.