Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

For Radiant Skin and Better Health Use Organic Beauty Products

Using commercial brand beauty products can often be counterproductive to your overall skin health. This is because commercial skin care products are known to contain carcinogens harmful to humans, and many other dangerous chemicals. On average, adults use nine skin care products a day, exposing their skin to about 126 chemicals each and every day.

Making matters worse, 89% of the 10,500 ingredients skin care products contain have not been safety evaluated. By using these commercial skin care brands you are effectively exposing your face to more harm than good. If you want to truly protect your skin, then it is important to treat your skin as the organic, natural organ that it is. This is to say that you should only use an organic skin care regimen to treat your skin problems.

Organic beauty products are better for your overall health because they do not contain harmful chemicals that jeopardize your body's well being. Basically, changing to a natural skin care regimen will expose your skin to more vitamins and minerals in a natural way. There are even fresh products from around the kitchen that can change the way you look at beauty products, whether for cleansing or toning your face. Avocados, strawberries, cucumbers, and even apples are great organic solutions to skin care.

There are several different ways to use these foods to your advantage to create a great organic skin care regimen. For instance, you can create a facial cleanser with an egg, half a cup of milk, and a ripe peeled avocado. This is a very effective solution for ridding pollution from your pores caused by commercial facial cleansers. There are also many other different types of facial moisturizers and cleansers that you can make from the aforementioned foods.

In addition to utilizing a proper skin routine, one should also make sure that what they put inside their bodies is just as healthy as what they put on it. In other words, consuming healthy organic products is essential to improving your skin from the inside out. For instance, a natural product such as Viridian Ultimate Beauty Oil is a great source of fatty acids essential for creating a radiant skin.

This natural beauty product contains organic golden flaxseed oil, organic hemp seed oil, organic avocado oil, organic evening primrose oil, and organic pumpkin seed oil. Putting a few drops of Viridian oil on your food will not only help to upgrade the quality of your skin, but also your well being.

Foods containing omega 3 oils, Vitamins A and C, zinc, and selenium play important roles in improving skin health. Omega 3s are not naturally occurring in the body, so in order to get your dose of the skin revitalizing omegas you must include fish, such as sustainably caught salmon, in your diet. Or as an alternative to eating fish, adding some flax seed oil in your meals would work wonders.

A lack of vitamin A can cause dry skin outbreaks very similar to acne. In order to get your fix of vitamin A, look to sweet potatoes, organic carrots, spinach, milk, and egg yolks. Vitamin C is important to keep your skin rich in antioxidants that fight skin aging free radicals. Foods that contain the C vitamin are citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Zinc's importance is in creating collagen in the body to ward off sagging skin. Foods such as cheeses, whole grains, and beans are the body's main source for zinc. Lastly, selenium is effective in aiding elasticity in the skin. Organic Brazil nuts, oysters, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds are all high in selenium.

Getting off the commercial brand skin routine is the first step in fortifying a healthier approach to skin care. By switching your skin routine to a more organic approach on the inside and out, you will find your overall health to increase. For all your skin does to protect your body, the least we can do to show our appreciation is by keeping it in good health with an organic skin care regimen.
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