There are a lot of reasons marriages get into trouble.
But there are two serious problems that account for most of the marriage trouble couples experience.
Saving your marriage could depend upon getting these fixed.
Both of the problems can be affected by too much or too little of them.
They both affect a lot of other areas in the marriage.
They are more common problems in young couples than older couples.
These two big problems are •Sex •Finances Perhaps one of the reasons these two areas are not such problems for the older couples is because they have already been there and done that in their relationship and are beyond arguments of this nature.
A lot of the problems involved with sex an finances is simply due to a lack of knowledge about the subjects.
Another reason for difficulties in these areas is selfishness.
This is especially true regarding sex.
One partner puts their needs above their concern for the spouse.
Both partners should put the needs and concern of their partner over their own.
If there are serious problems in the area of the sex relationship the couple should seek appropriate help.
Finances in marriage should be handled as if there is a business partnership.
Everything should be in the open and disclosed to all parties.
Failure to do so can lead to very serious circumstances with bitterness and resentment.
The couple should develop a budget together and learn to live within the budget with all exceptions being made together.
Learning how to blend your different sexual desires and needs to be compatible will lead to a healthy and fulfilled sex life within the marriage.
Learning to blend your finances with full accountability and trust will pave the way for financial security within the marriage.
Saving your marriage depends upon your ability to prevent sex and finances problems within your marriage.
But there are two serious problems that account for most of the marriage trouble couples experience.
Saving your marriage could depend upon getting these fixed.
Both of the problems can be affected by too much or too little of them.
They both affect a lot of other areas in the marriage.
They are more common problems in young couples than older couples.
These two big problems are •Sex •Finances Perhaps one of the reasons these two areas are not such problems for the older couples is because they have already been there and done that in their relationship and are beyond arguments of this nature.
A lot of the problems involved with sex an finances is simply due to a lack of knowledge about the subjects.
Another reason for difficulties in these areas is selfishness.
This is especially true regarding sex.
One partner puts their needs above their concern for the spouse.
Both partners should put the needs and concern of their partner over their own.
If there are serious problems in the area of the sex relationship the couple should seek appropriate help.
Finances in marriage should be handled as if there is a business partnership.
Everything should be in the open and disclosed to all parties.
Failure to do so can lead to very serious circumstances with bitterness and resentment.
The couple should develop a budget together and learn to live within the budget with all exceptions being made together.
Learning how to blend your different sexual desires and needs to be compatible will lead to a healthy and fulfilled sex life within the marriage.
Learning to blend your finances with full accountability and trust will pave the way for financial security within the marriage.
Saving your marriage depends upon your ability to prevent sex and finances problems within your marriage.