Communication barriers are one of the natural problems we see in the communication process.
The normal way we respond and the things we do everyday essentially block our ability to communicate effectively with others.
Here are some common barriers and how they are worded: Agreeing/Disagreeing - "I agree that's truly the right thing to do" or "I don't think you should take that approach" Criticize/Blame - "You never get this right" Praising - "I think you did a great job on this" Advising - "This is what I think you should do" Questioning - "Why-- When--How Many--How Often--etc," Logical Arguments - "Let's take a step by step approach to this situation" Disguising - "I've considered the problem thoroughly and here's what I think we should do," Moralizing - "Whenever that happens it's always best to...
,'' Ordering/Threatening - "From now on you better do it this way.
" Diverting - "That same exact thing happened to me and here's what I did.
" Reassuring - "Don't worry, everything will be O.
" Monologuing - "And then the best thing to do is...
and then and finally...
" It is crucial to realize that these common barriers to effective communication need to be avoided at all costs.
To function as an effective coach or mentor these must be avoided because they can not only harm the communication process but perhaps the entire relationship.
Active Listening Skills The essential key to anyone's personal and professional success is listening skills.
No other skill will take president in helping you get things done with and through others and at the same time maintain a good working relationship.
When we evaluate most interpersonal skills programs, they seem to concentrate on the requirements for providing your point of view or input by spending a lot of time on open-ended questioning skills that attempt to uncover specific information.
Even though questioning and presenting play critical roles in the communication process Since many times a person is not completely aware of their own problem, discovering their real needs can be easily accomplished with well learned listening skills.
You may also run the risk of alienating them because they may see you as someone who is more interested in telling them what to do rather then listening to their point of view and assisting them resolve their problem.
Taking the person through the communication process thoughtfully and slowly is the ideal situation to be in.
Initially you need to listen to whatever they are saying about their issue, keeping your opinions and point of view under wraps for now.
Most of the time we completely bypass the other person's feelings about the issue by jumping in too quickly and too often with our thoughts or opinions.
This will ultimately result in hindering our building important relationships with those who may be the most important to our success.
If we consider listening as a skill for showing that we comprehend the substance and feelings of the speaker from their point of view then isn't it really about putting yourself in the other person's shoes to understand what they're saying from their point of view?
The normal way we respond and the things we do everyday essentially block our ability to communicate effectively with others.
Here are some common barriers and how they are worded: Agreeing/Disagreeing - "I agree that's truly the right thing to do" or "I don't think you should take that approach" Criticize/Blame - "You never get this right" Praising - "I think you did a great job on this" Advising - "This is what I think you should do" Questioning - "Why-- When--How Many--How Often--etc," Logical Arguments - "Let's take a step by step approach to this situation" Disguising - "I've considered the problem thoroughly and here's what I think we should do," Moralizing - "Whenever that happens it's always best to...
,'' Ordering/Threatening - "From now on you better do it this way.
" Diverting - "That same exact thing happened to me and here's what I did.
" Reassuring - "Don't worry, everything will be O.
" Monologuing - "And then the best thing to do is...
and then and finally...
" It is crucial to realize that these common barriers to effective communication need to be avoided at all costs.
To function as an effective coach or mentor these must be avoided because they can not only harm the communication process but perhaps the entire relationship.
Active Listening Skills The essential key to anyone's personal and professional success is listening skills.
No other skill will take president in helping you get things done with and through others and at the same time maintain a good working relationship.
When we evaluate most interpersonal skills programs, they seem to concentrate on the requirements for providing your point of view or input by spending a lot of time on open-ended questioning skills that attempt to uncover specific information.
Even though questioning and presenting play critical roles in the communication process Since many times a person is not completely aware of their own problem, discovering their real needs can be easily accomplished with well learned listening skills.
You may also run the risk of alienating them because they may see you as someone who is more interested in telling them what to do rather then listening to their point of view and assisting them resolve their problem.
Taking the person through the communication process thoughtfully and slowly is the ideal situation to be in.
Initially you need to listen to whatever they are saying about their issue, keeping your opinions and point of view under wraps for now.
Most of the time we completely bypass the other person's feelings about the issue by jumping in too quickly and too often with our thoughts or opinions.
This will ultimately result in hindering our building important relationships with those who may be the most important to our success.
If we consider listening as a skill for showing that we comprehend the substance and feelings of the speaker from their point of view then isn't it really about putting yourself in the other person's shoes to understand what they're saying from their point of view?