Picking a domain name can seem either incredibly easy or incredibly hard.
After a bit of work you will probably find that is really neither.
A domain name should serve you and your business or niche.
This online representation needs to be thought out in a variety of ways otherwise it could cause you trouble! Have you looked at the name as a domain name? You live in the town Flores.
You want people to explore the town.
The name choice seems obvious and simple.
Flores Explorers.
So the obvious best domain name would be FloresExplorers.
Write it in all small letters, people will notice right in the middle of your domain name is Sex.
While you may think people will not notice, people will not turn it around, this is a potential hazard that is best taken care of before you get committed to the name.
The other problem with this domain name is the search engines see "sex" in the domain name.
You may wind up with an adult label on your website, which is probably trouble you do not want.
What about in the future? Right now cupcakes are very in vogue.
You are considering starting a website BestCupcakesEver.
In three years when pies are the trend, your domain name may not be as appealing as it once was.
You may have to start over with a new domain name.
Another time related element is think about the future.
If you had a site a dozen years ago that had Millennium in the name, it was great.
Now, your site would look dated.
Sticking a very current term in your domain name may only serve as carbon dating later.
Can you shout it? My parents always told me a rule about names, "do you really want to scream that name out the door ten times in a row?" While you many not think screaming it out is relevant, what about telling someone the name.
Imagine being at a loud party.
Someone asks the name of your website.
Your domain name is long or hard to understand, so they ask you to repeat it.
Some other people walk up, the person introduces you and can not say your domain name, so you have to repeat it again.
The party has just started.
You are going to repeat this scene over and over, saying my domain name is "BoughtThisLongDomainNameWithMyKeyword.
com" Is it unique? Perhaps you think it will be clever to name your website something similar to a big name company.
You probably will be less inclined when the big name lawyers come to visit from the big name company.
They will not be coming to buy your domain name, but to sue you and take the name with them.
While there are cases where little companies win, that is not always the case, and you are risking your business.
You, your business and website are unique.
The best domain name is one that fits your needs and the needs of your website visitors.
This means providing them with a name that does not sound dated, is embarrassing to say or just too hard to remember.
Word of mouth is still a predominate way for a business to grow.
The big change is word of mouth sometimes comes in the form of social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and other such sites.
The best domain name is one that is memorable.
After a bit of work you will probably find that is really neither.
A domain name should serve you and your business or niche.
This online representation needs to be thought out in a variety of ways otherwise it could cause you trouble! Have you looked at the name as a domain name? You live in the town Flores.
You want people to explore the town.
The name choice seems obvious and simple.
Flores Explorers.
So the obvious best domain name would be FloresExplorers.
Write it in all small letters, people will notice right in the middle of your domain name is Sex.
While you may think people will not notice, people will not turn it around, this is a potential hazard that is best taken care of before you get committed to the name.
The other problem with this domain name is the search engines see "sex" in the domain name.
You may wind up with an adult label on your website, which is probably trouble you do not want.
What about in the future? Right now cupcakes are very in vogue.
You are considering starting a website BestCupcakesEver.
In three years when pies are the trend, your domain name may not be as appealing as it once was.
You may have to start over with a new domain name.
Another time related element is think about the future.
If you had a site a dozen years ago that had Millennium in the name, it was great.
Now, your site would look dated.
Sticking a very current term in your domain name may only serve as carbon dating later.
Can you shout it? My parents always told me a rule about names, "do you really want to scream that name out the door ten times in a row?" While you many not think screaming it out is relevant, what about telling someone the name.
Imagine being at a loud party.
Someone asks the name of your website.
Your domain name is long or hard to understand, so they ask you to repeat it.
Some other people walk up, the person introduces you and can not say your domain name, so you have to repeat it again.
The party has just started.
You are going to repeat this scene over and over, saying my domain name is "BoughtThisLongDomainNameWithMyKeyword.
com" Is it unique? Perhaps you think it will be clever to name your website something similar to a big name company.
You probably will be less inclined when the big name lawyers come to visit from the big name company.
They will not be coming to buy your domain name, but to sue you and take the name with them.
While there are cases where little companies win, that is not always the case, and you are risking your business.
You, your business and website are unique.
The best domain name is one that fits your needs and the needs of your website visitors.
This means providing them with a name that does not sound dated, is embarrassing to say or just too hard to remember.
Word of mouth is still a predominate way for a business to grow.
The big change is word of mouth sometimes comes in the form of social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and other such sites.
The best domain name is one that is memorable.