Nobody knows when a person gets addicted to painkillers. Everybody takes them to ease the pain related to diseases, fatigue after strenuous work or to overcome post surgery trauma. Still, for some people while they may have started using these medicines for valid reasons, the risk of addiction is always there.
This addiction, once it enters your life will overpower your other desires and ruin it forever. Since this addiction comes most silently, many people realize its bad consequences only when it is too late for them. These painkillers work on the principle of depressing the central nervous system and thus suppressing pain, so they become the first choice in managing pain.
Many painkillers use opium as a main ingredient, which when taken as a pill ceases any painful sensation in human body. In fact opium works on certain regions of the human brain that control the feeling of pleasure. This sometimes works as a great high for people in pain and thus makes them addicted to painkillers.
On experiencing the ill effects of painkillers when people desperately try to search for non-drug alternatives for pain relief, they usually face a much harder time in gaining access to them. So in desperation they turn towards painkillers which are easily available which fuels their addiction.
If any of your near and dear ones are prescribed with painkillers, then you should be very particular that the doses are to be taken only as prescribed. If disease treatment requires long term administration of painkillers then in consultation with physician, drug rotation needs to be done to avoid addiction to a particular drug. Similarly painkillers dosage must never be increased or decreased without doctor's advice. As with any medicine, treatment with painkillers must never be abruptly discontinued on your own and the doctor's advice must always prevail in such situations.
Due to prescription by a doctor, if a painkiller has been advised for certain duration, then that duration must strictly be adhered to. Exceeding that duration and taking that painkiller for a longer period could lead to addiction. Painkillers should be taken in tablet/ capsule form as they are available in market and should never be crushed. Crushing a large dose could be released in the human body leading to severely toxic effect. These drugs are manufactured in a certain way which ensures that they are to be released slowly in our system.
Precautions must always be taken to use a painkiller which has not been prescribed to you by a doctor. Painkillers purchased over the counter may turn out to be counterproductive as their effect varies from person to person according to his or her tolerance level and also due to the other drugs he or she may be using.
This addiction, once it enters your life will overpower your other desires and ruin it forever. Since this addiction comes most silently, many people realize its bad consequences only when it is too late for them. These painkillers work on the principle of depressing the central nervous system and thus suppressing pain, so they become the first choice in managing pain.
Many painkillers use opium as a main ingredient, which when taken as a pill ceases any painful sensation in human body. In fact opium works on certain regions of the human brain that control the feeling of pleasure. This sometimes works as a great high for people in pain and thus makes them addicted to painkillers.
On experiencing the ill effects of painkillers when people desperately try to search for non-drug alternatives for pain relief, they usually face a much harder time in gaining access to them. So in desperation they turn towards painkillers which are easily available which fuels their addiction.
If any of your near and dear ones are prescribed with painkillers, then you should be very particular that the doses are to be taken only as prescribed. If disease treatment requires long term administration of painkillers then in consultation with physician, drug rotation needs to be done to avoid addiction to a particular drug. Similarly painkillers dosage must never be increased or decreased without doctor's advice. As with any medicine, treatment with painkillers must never be abruptly discontinued on your own and the doctor's advice must always prevail in such situations.
Due to prescription by a doctor, if a painkiller has been advised for certain duration, then that duration must strictly be adhered to. Exceeding that duration and taking that painkiller for a longer period could lead to addiction. Painkillers should be taken in tablet/ capsule form as they are available in market and should never be crushed. Crushing a large dose could be released in the human body leading to severely toxic effect. These drugs are manufactured in a certain way which ensures that they are to be released slowly in our system.
Precautions must always be taken to use a painkiller which has not been prescribed to you by a doctor. Painkillers purchased over the counter may turn out to be counterproductive as their effect varies from person to person according to his or her tolerance level and also due to the other drugs he or she may be using.