Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Male Foods for LH & FSH

    Essential Fatty Acids

    • Salmon is an excellent source of omega 3 oilsalmon image by cherie from

      Foods that provide essential fatty acids such as omega 3, 6, and 9 include oily fish (salmon is the best source, followed closely by mackerel, sardines and tuna). These are rich in omega 3 oil, which provides the essential building blocks for proper thyroid function and sperm production. Vegetarians can obtain essential fatty acids from flaxseeds and flaxseed oil.

    Balancing Blood Sugars

    Sea Vegetables

    • Sushi is an excellent way of consuming nori, a hormone-balancing seaweedsushi image by Maryna Girard from

      Sea vegetables are an underused but key source of minerals that support the endocrine system. Nori is the seaweed used in sushi, and wakame, also a seaweed, can be trimmed into soups and stews. They are a rich source of iodine and other minerals (containing 10 times more than land vegetables), helping to maintain both male and female hormone levels within a well-balanced ratio. Spirulina is another sea vegetable that can be bought from health food stores as a supplement. It is a superfood, packed with the nutrients needed to balance not just FSH and LH levels, but the whole spectrum of hormones.

    Bee Pollen

    Foods Rich in Zinc

    Folic Acid from Foods

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