Health & Medical Men's Health

Why Don"t We Teach Penis Exercising As Part of the High School Curriculum?

In high school, we get the opportunity to learn all sorts of things that are completely useless and meaningless relative to the real world.
Of course, we also get the opportunity to learn lots of things that are quite useful and very important.
However, are there not things we could be learning that might be of more value than some of what's on the general and current curricula? Now, I'll admit, I enjoyed being forced to read Beowulf and Canterbury Tales, these were actually pretty cool.
Though, I'm still not sure why we had to read these or why we had to memorize "The Village Blacksmith.
" There are certainly other books that would be of more benefit to the students.
One of these is Aleister Crowley's enlightening book, "Diary of a Drug Fiend.
" Believed to be autobiographical in nature, this is a book that every high school student should be forced to read and probably memorize.
The reason for this is that it will scare the living daylights out of any student who reads it and will ensure they don't partake in "drugs.
" The "Just Say No!" campaign obviously and miserably failed, but making kids read "Fiend" will greatly reduce the drug use among high school students.
Miles Davis also wrote an autobiography entitled, "Miles," where he discusses the agony and sheer hell he went through to "kick" his heroin habit.
This is another book that high school students should be reading, again, because it will scare the living hell out of them.
Surely, material like this might be a bit more helpful than Beowulf and Canterbury Tales...
? What about penis exercising? How about teaching a class in penis enlargement? Really, I can't think of much of anything else that can help teach a man the true meaning of Self-Pride, than by being able to enlarge his penis on his own.
If properly taught, it can teach a man about learning how to set reasonable goals and how to reach those goals.
It can show a man how to stay motivated, focused, and to never throw in the towel.
It can prove to a man that he can accomplish goals, even if they seem to be impossible and unattainable.
It can help educate a man about the anatomy, physiology, histology, neurology, and cardiovascular inner workings of the human body.
And more importantly, make science and biology incredibly amazing and interesting.
It can be used as a fascinating and powerful vehicle in which to teach men mathematics, geometry, fluid mechanics, graphing, measuring, and percentages.
It can also be used as a vehicle to teach men how to properly care for their penises.
Not to mention how to properly use their penises and not abuse them; teaching them how to better please a woman, and how to become a much better and less selfish lover.
And, while we're at it, we can teach men all about pregnancy, how to properly put on a condom, and all about the nastiness that goes with sexually-transmitted diseases.
This could all be accomplished in an easy-to-learn and fun environment.
It would also present an excellent manner in which to help men learn how to view sex in a healthy and positive atmosphere, encouraging men to use it as a source of personal exploration, spiritual building, and how to get closer to a potential partner through the sexual act.
They could learn to respect sex and, more importantly, learn how to respect and appreciate women.
The same atmosphere could also be used to guide men in learning about their sexuality and sexual potential in a serious and constructive manner.
Eliminating the binding chains of sexual shyness and sexual self-doubt.
And who can possibly deny the immense value of building a man's self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-pride, self-abilities, and self-growth through properly learning how to enlarge his penis? It seems that a properly taught "Sex Ed" class could be used as a vehicle to teach men about mathematics, science, character building, goal setting, personal exploration, and how to be a better man, all by adding "penis enlargement" to the curriculum.
Of course, I must be clearly insane to suggest such an idea.
Georg von Neumann
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