Not unexpectedly, an apparently irate reader of "A Reader Speaks Out on the Festering Shame of the USS Liberty" also spoke out on the "USS Liberty Incident" on where this blog is syndicated.
Writing as if he were someone in the know, "Jaffrin Spes" wrote on ACD that, "The reason Israel was never condemned for the attack is because the U.S. Naval Court Inquiry in 1967 determined the attack was a case of mistaken identity. The CIA's intelligence report of the same year determined there was no malice intended but, as often happened in war, the target was failed to be properly identified. This is hardly a new problem as even during the Iraq War many U.S. soldiers were killed by friendly fire because of misidentification.
Of course if you want to delve into Truther land of LIHOP or MIHOP you are welcome to do that. I think it is silly but to each his own. If you want to think of more sinister motives and convince anyone more than accusations will be needed."
Being something of a silly dolt, I admit I had to research LIHOP, ("Let It Happen on Purpose") and MIHOP, ("Make It Happen on Purpose"), two levels of conspiracy theories I discovered are most often applied to the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001.
I can assure "Jaffrin Spes" that there is no valid comparison between those poppycock theories and the events of June 8th, 1967.
To be precise, "Jaffrin Spes' " citing of that U.S. Naval Court Inquiry and the CIA report is a further example of the cover-up that refuses to go away and is testimony to the effectiveness of that cover-up even after 43 years. To be more blunt, "Jaffrin Spes" must be functioning in one of three roles: a governmental front, a blind apologist for Israel, or a terminally naive indidividual.
Or, maybe, a combination of all three?
The article in question, [], was primarily intended to present the impressions of one "C.K. Amos," "Darwin," which, in turn, were a reaction to a year-old posting here. A wealth of information far and beyond mere accusation had already been provided on this blog that more than suggested that there were indeed "sinister motives" behind Israel's unprovoked and deadly attack on the Liberty.
That wealth of information was alluded to in my parenthetical comment, "For more details on the Liberty incident, please see various other articles on this blog," details of which, obviously, "Jaffrin Spes" didn't avail himself.
Therefore, for the edification and education of "Jaffrin Spes" and for anyone else who has mindlessly bought into the official government pap that the attacks by Israel on the USS Liberty were an instance of "mistaken identity," "friendly fire," absent of any "malicious" intent, I would refer "Spes" and other doubters to the USS Liberty website,
Included on that website, maintained by survivors of the Israeli attack who, unlike "Spes," were eyewitnesses to that war crime, is detailed information on:
. The views of Dean Rusk, LBJ's Secretary of State at the time, who said, "Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous." (There are unconfirmed reports that Johnson knew of the attack in progress and ordered fighter jets recalled rather than embarass an ally.)
. The views of CIA Director Richard Helms who wrote that, "I had no role in the board of inquiry that followed, or the board's finding that there could be no doubt that the Israeli's knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty. I have yet to understand why it was felt necessary to attack this ship or who ordered the attack."
. The views of NSA Deputy Director Oliver Kirby who knew "for an absloute certainty (from intercepted communications) that the Israelis knew they were attacking an American ship."
. The views of Richard F. Kiepfer, US Navy (Retired) and Liberty survivor that, "Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers."
The list of those who were there in one capacity or another goes on and on, testimony and reflections of men who had nothing to gain from lying and which put the lie to the official line and to "Jaffrin Spes' " contentions.
The case of the USS Liberty should finally be closed. However, to close it without true closure, to close it without acknowledging the sickening truth that Israel, a supposed American ally, attacked a defenseless American vessel, murdered 34 of its crew and maimed 174 others and which, 43 years later, has yet to admit culpability and responsibility would be a gross miscarriage of justice.
Worse, failing to concede the truth for political purposes would be a blot, an indelible stain, on the history of the United States and on the United States Navy. The truth will not only set our nation and navy free. It will also help restore their integrity.
(On a personal note, some years ago I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing USS Liberty Petty Officer 3rd Class Americo "Rick" Aimetti who was assigned to Damage Control on the Liberty when the attack Israeli occurred. Aimetti confirmed all of the above regarding the actions of the Israeli navy and air force.)
Writing as if he were someone in the know, "Jaffrin Spes" wrote on ACD that, "The reason Israel was never condemned for the attack is because the U.S. Naval Court Inquiry in 1967 determined the attack was a case of mistaken identity. The CIA's intelligence report of the same year determined there was no malice intended but, as often happened in war, the target was failed to be properly identified. This is hardly a new problem as even during the Iraq War many U.S. soldiers were killed by friendly fire because of misidentification.
Of course if you want to delve into Truther land of LIHOP or MIHOP you are welcome to do that. I think it is silly but to each his own. If you want to think of more sinister motives and convince anyone more than accusations will be needed."
Being something of a silly dolt, I admit I had to research LIHOP, ("Let It Happen on Purpose") and MIHOP, ("Make It Happen on Purpose"), two levels of conspiracy theories I discovered are most often applied to the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001.
I can assure "Jaffrin Spes" that there is no valid comparison between those poppycock theories and the events of June 8th, 1967.
To be precise, "Jaffrin Spes' " citing of that U.S. Naval Court Inquiry and the CIA report is a further example of the cover-up that refuses to go away and is testimony to the effectiveness of that cover-up even after 43 years. To be more blunt, "Jaffrin Spes" must be functioning in one of three roles: a governmental front, a blind apologist for Israel, or a terminally naive indidividual.
Or, maybe, a combination of all three?
The article in question, [], was primarily intended to present the impressions of one "C.K. Amos," "Darwin," which, in turn, were a reaction to a year-old posting here. A wealth of information far and beyond mere accusation had already been provided on this blog that more than suggested that there were indeed "sinister motives" behind Israel's unprovoked and deadly attack on the Liberty.
That wealth of information was alluded to in my parenthetical comment, "For more details on the Liberty incident, please see various other articles on this blog," details of which, obviously, "Jaffrin Spes" didn't avail himself.
Therefore, for the edification and education of "Jaffrin Spes" and for anyone else who has mindlessly bought into the official government pap that the attacks by Israel on the USS Liberty were an instance of "mistaken identity," "friendly fire," absent of any "malicious" intent, I would refer "Spes" and other doubters to the USS Liberty website,
Included on that website, maintained by survivors of the Israeli attack who, unlike "Spes," were eyewitnesses to that war crime, is detailed information on:
. The views of Dean Rusk, LBJ's Secretary of State at the time, who said, "Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous." (There are unconfirmed reports that Johnson knew of the attack in progress and ordered fighter jets recalled rather than embarass an ally.)
. The views of CIA Director Richard Helms who wrote that, "I had no role in the board of inquiry that followed, or the board's finding that there could be no doubt that the Israeli's knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty. I have yet to understand why it was felt necessary to attack this ship or who ordered the attack."
. The views of NSA Deputy Director Oliver Kirby who knew "for an absloute certainty (from intercepted communications) that the Israelis knew they were attacking an American ship."
. The views of Richard F. Kiepfer, US Navy (Retired) and Liberty survivor that, "Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers."
The list of those who were there in one capacity or another goes on and on, testimony and reflections of men who had nothing to gain from lying and which put the lie to the official line and to "Jaffrin Spes' " contentions.
The case of the USS Liberty should finally be closed. However, to close it without true closure, to close it without acknowledging the sickening truth that Israel, a supposed American ally, attacked a defenseless American vessel, murdered 34 of its crew and maimed 174 others and which, 43 years later, has yet to admit culpability and responsibility would be a gross miscarriage of justice.
Worse, failing to concede the truth for political purposes would be a blot, an indelible stain, on the history of the United States and on the United States Navy. The truth will not only set our nation and navy free. It will also help restore their integrity.
(On a personal note, some years ago I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing USS Liberty Petty Officer 3rd Class Americo "Rick" Aimetti who was assigned to Damage Control on the Liberty when the attack Israeli occurred. Aimetti confirmed all of the above regarding the actions of the Israeli navy and air force.)