Nathan Fillion on the Release of "Serenity:" "It?s a little unreal. My legs are, I confess, a little wobbly. I?m a little bit sweaty. I powdered down to make sure I stayed dry. But it?s been a long time coming."
Nathan Fillion on the Darker Tone of "Serenity:" "You know what? Time has passed since the series. Times are darker. Events have happened that have made Mal withdraw a little more. It?s not as bright and cheery as the series was."
But He Still Tosses Out the One-Liners: "Oh yeah. I?m very funny. Don?t you worry, I?m very funny."
Nathan Fillion on Harrison Ford's Influence: "Well I don?t know about inspiring the role. That?s a Joss Whedon question. And I?m sure the comparison to Harrison Ford can be fairly made. Space movie, scoundrel. But if you go to this movie expecting Harrison Ford, you might be a little disappointed but you?ll be pleasantly surprised with who you do meet. Malcolm Reynolds is a particular kind of fellow. Whereas I would invite Hans Solo to a party, I certainly wouldn?t want to have Malcolm Reynolds there. But Harrison Ford, that?s a man I admire. He?s great at playing every man, just a regular guy."
Nathan Fillion on His Favorite Joss Whedon Memory: "My favorite Joss moment was when he said, 'You got the job.'?
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