Family & Relationships Sex Realted

How to Seduce Her and Make Her Yours

You have a woman already in mind. Maybe she is a woman you work with. Or, she might be a woman you have already been on a few dates with already and you just want to be able to "seal the deal." She might also be that cute waitress that has you eating out for lunch everyday of the week. Whomever she is, you want to be able to seduce her and make her yours. There is only one problem. You've never been the smooth guy who gets the ladies into bed. You've never been the guy who always gets the girl.

Can YOU learn how to seduce a woman and make her YOURS?

Any guy can learn certain techniques and strategies that will make him appear very enticing to a woman. And any guy can learn certain skills that can heighten that attraction and make her want to be nothing less than your lover. The thing is, you have to want it bad enough that you are willing to put yourself out there and risk the possibility that things don't go as smoothly as you hope they would. That does not mean that you won't be able to make her yours, it just means that you need to be prepared to have to think on your feet and make some adjustments.

How do you seduce a woman and make her yours?

Well, I could be one of those guys that just tells you to be confident and feed her some pick up lines, but that's not going to be the best strategy that you can take. If you really want to make her want you, then you need to do things just a little bit better. You need to tap into her psychology as a woman and give her what she really wants.

Here's a few steps that you can take:

1. Ask her the right questions.

If you really want to know what makes a woman tick, then there is no better way than to get the answer straight from her. Most guys are afraid to ask the right questions, because they are afraid of discomforting her in some way. This is where you have to realize what is going on in her mind. She's waiting for the right guy to ask the right questions. What are they? Well, it's not asking about what her job is, that's for sure. It's asking those questions that can lead into a much more seductive and sensual place. However, you don't want to just come out and ask her sex questions. You want to ask questions that are more vaguely sexual, so that you don't seem like a pervert, but at the same time you can lead her to where you want things to go.

2. Use your body language to show her that you are an alpha male.

Body language says so much about a person. You know that you can kind of pick out a person from the crowd and have some kind of an ideal of who they are by the way that they hold themselves. You know who the confident people are, and you definitely know who is lacking confidence. Women can really pick up on a man's body language and the alpha male body language is going to be what signals in her mind that you are a guy worth noticing.

3. Make her YOURS by taking the initiative.

Most of all, you really have to take the initiative if you want to seduce a woman and make her yours. You cannot wait for the right time and the right place, because honestly, most guys are going to wait forever if they take that route. If you want to go on a date with her, ask her. If you want to have a romantic night that leads to the bedroom, plan it out and make it special.
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