- There are two types of wall jump in "Left 4 Dead." The most common wall jump is when the hunter leaps from wall to wall. The other method of wall jumping allows you to scale a very high wall (or other high object, such as a telephone pole).
- Hold down "LB" on the control pad. After the crouch meter fills up, press "A" (while still holding "LB") and the hunter will perform the leap. If you are trying to leap from structure to structure, once you are close to reaching the first structure, press "RB" to do a 180-degree spin, and then press "A" again, so that the hunter will leap towards the next object. The hunter will continue to ricochet off of the walls, as long you don't run out of walls to come into contact with.
In order to do this with the PC version, press "Ctrl" and left-click on your mouse at the same time. After the hunter has leaped towards the wall, move your mouse in the direction of the next wall and left-click again, to initiate the second jump. Continue this process to leap from wall to wall. - This method enables you to clear the tallest buildings and objects in the game. Back up into a wall (or another tall object such as a telephone pole). Position the camera so that you're looking straight up, towards the top of the object. While holding "LB," press "A" once, and then aim your camera about an inch from the original viewpoint (you must still be looking towards the top of the object). Press "A" a second time, and then repeatedly. The hunter will quickly claw his way to the top of the object. You cannot use this method if you are on fire.
To execute this using the PC, press "Ctrl" and left-click your mouse simultaneously. Once you've leapt towards the object, hold down "strafe" ("A" or "D") and "S" together. Once you've come into contact with the object, left-click repeatedly in order to reach the top.
Executing the Wall Jump
Alternate Wall Jumping Method