The First and the best solution for the payment of the loans are to pay them without any counseling and consolidation.
This will increase your confidence and you will not get into these troubles again in your life.
A Credit card is not a curse.
It is a very good invention but its misuse may bring people close to bankruptcy.
It is true that more than 60 percent of the people are facing the problem of loan payments.
But there are a good proportion of people who have now got control over their expenses.
So, the best option is to use the credit card within limits of your income and resources so that you can repay it easily.
If I had to pay a loan, I would try to clear it as soon as possible by cutting my other expenses.
I would suggest everyone to use this technique of the paying back money.
When you have to pay huge amount of money, it is hard to arrange money sometimes and due to high interest rates, this money keeps on increasing.
At that time, there are two best options that can help a lot i.
debt settlement and debt consolidation.
You can make a settlement by directly negotiating with the credit card company.
In some cases by examining the previous poor payments record, a credit card company can also offer the debt settlement plan itself.
Otherwise, you can hire a company for the settlement.
In my opinion, direct negotiation is more effective, safe and cheap.
There are some government programs that are helping individuals to make their settlement.
Debt settlement can eliminate your loan up to 50% or more.
Debt consolidation is also a very good option.
This process takes much more time but it is a safe way to get out of the credit card loan.
You are given another loan by putting your home or assets as mortgage.
You will have to pay the secure loan in small installments with lower interest rate.
This will help you a lot because when installments are small then it is always easy to pay them.
Debt consolidation can be dangerous because if you are unable to pay the secured loan then you will not get back your assets.
So, you should avail this option carefully.
This will increase your confidence and you will not get into these troubles again in your life.
A Credit card is not a curse.
It is a very good invention but its misuse may bring people close to bankruptcy.
It is true that more than 60 percent of the people are facing the problem of loan payments.
But there are a good proportion of people who have now got control over their expenses.
So, the best option is to use the credit card within limits of your income and resources so that you can repay it easily.
If I had to pay a loan, I would try to clear it as soon as possible by cutting my other expenses.
I would suggest everyone to use this technique of the paying back money.
When you have to pay huge amount of money, it is hard to arrange money sometimes and due to high interest rates, this money keeps on increasing.
At that time, there are two best options that can help a lot i.
debt settlement and debt consolidation.
You can make a settlement by directly negotiating with the credit card company.
In some cases by examining the previous poor payments record, a credit card company can also offer the debt settlement plan itself.
Otherwise, you can hire a company for the settlement.
In my opinion, direct negotiation is more effective, safe and cheap.
There are some government programs that are helping individuals to make their settlement.
Debt settlement can eliminate your loan up to 50% or more.
Debt consolidation is also a very good option.
This process takes much more time but it is a safe way to get out of the credit card loan.
You are given another loan by putting your home or assets as mortgage.
You will have to pay the secure loan in small installments with lower interest rate.
This will help you a lot because when installments are small then it is always easy to pay them.
Debt consolidation can be dangerous because if you are unable to pay the secured loan then you will not get back your assets.
So, you should avail this option carefully.