- 1). Select a container, such as an aquarium, for your terrarium. Containers can be made from anything you choose, but an aquarium provides an enclosed humid environment, which is perfect for ferns.
- 2). Pour a layer of sand or pebbles, approximately 1 inch deep, on the bottom of your terrarium. This layer provides drainage for your terrarium.
- 3). Pour a layer of activated charcoal over the layer of sand. The activated charcoal acts as an air filter in an enclosed environment.
- 4). Place a layer of sphagnum moss over the charcoal. The moss acts as a barrier to prevent the soil from settling down into the lower layers.
- 5). Add a layer of soil over the moss. Make the soil deep enough to accommodate the roots of your plants.
- 6). Plant your ferns and other plants as desired. Take care to arrange them, so they are not touching the side of the terrarium and have enough room between them. f you choose, you can also add ornaments to your terrarium.