You've probably been playing WoW for at least a little while now.
How much do you actually know about the entire game though? For a new player, to learn all the important information in WoW in a short time is not an easy thing to do.
I'd like to share some info with you about the justice point system in the WoW.
I know it can be confusing, so If you are not clear about it I hope this can help you.
What are Justice Points? Justice Points, most players call them JP for short, are a special form of currency in "World of Warcraft.
" They are earned through Player versus Environment (PvE) play (dungeons).
You can then spend these points at special vendors in exchange for different kinds of armor and weapons.
Of course, just like honor, there is a maximum limit of 4,000 JP per character in WoW.
JP earned beyond this 4,000 point limit will not be saved, so players are encouraged to spend these points when near the cap to not let them go to waste.
So now you must want to know all the ways to actually get justice points.
There are a lots of ways to get the points.
For example, a level 85 normal Cataclysm instance grants 30 JP per boss and each Heroic Cataclysm instance will grant 70 JP per boss.
The first random daily normal instance you do at level 80 or higher will grant 140 JP and so on.
Some WoTLK (Wrath of the Lich King) quests also reward a one-time Justice Point reward.
Lower level players can also earn Justice Points by doing daily instances starting at level 68.
You get 12 JP per random daily.
You can also do certain Shattered Sun dailies to get some extra JP.
The fastest way to earn Justice Points though, is to run Heroic instances, plus a daily normal instance.
Ok, so maybe you already have some Justice points.
What are you supposed to do with them now? Read on and find out.
You probably know that there are two major capital cities, Stormwind for the Alliance and Orgrimmar for the Horde.
Both cities have a vendor area that houses three Justice Point vendor NPCs.
Dalaran also features several vendors for gear and items released in Wrath of the Lich King, in case you want to get some lower level gear.
The Alliance vendor area is located in "Old Town" in Stormwindnear the rogue and warrior trainers and the training dummies.
The vendors here are Magatha Silverton (Quartermaster), Larisse Pembraux (Heirlooms), and Talric Forthright (Trade Goods).
In Orgrimmar you will find Gunra (Quartermaster), Zulna (Heirlooms), and Togar (Trade Goods) above Garrosh's chamber in the Valley of Strength.
If you have the JP, you can get some awesome new loot like heirlooms,end-game gear, and trade goods (way overpriced, don't buy).
PvE heirlooms may be purchased with Justice Points (others require Honor Points).
This gear can be used to grant extra bonuses and experience to your new characters while leveling up.
The gear offered from the Justice Points Quartermaster will change based on the current level of dungeon content.
This gear is designed to be a step towards entry-level raiding gear.
When you've got your new heirlooms, the fastest way to level up is by questing mixed with some dungeons.
I recommend you try out a leveling guide to get your new characters to 85 the fastest.
Here is a review of my favorite WoW leveling guide.
I was able to get my new characters to 85 in a matter of days, so I'm sure you can too.
How much do you actually know about the entire game though? For a new player, to learn all the important information in WoW in a short time is not an easy thing to do.
I'd like to share some info with you about the justice point system in the WoW.
I know it can be confusing, so If you are not clear about it I hope this can help you.
What are Justice Points? Justice Points, most players call them JP for short, are a special form of currency in "World of Warcraft.
" They are earned through Player versus Environment (PvE) play (dungeons).
You can then spend these points at special vendors in exchange for different kinds of armor and weapons.
Of course, just like honor, there is a maximum limit of 4,000 JP per character in WoW.
JP earned beyond this 4,000 point limit will not be saved, so players are encouraged to spend these points when near the cap to not let them go to waste.
So now you must want to know all the ways to actually get justice points.
There are a lots of ways to get the points.
For example, a level 85 normal Cataclysm instance grants 30 JP per boss and each Heroic Cataclysm instance will grant 70 JP per boss.
The first random daily normal instance you do at level 80 or higher will grant 140 JP and so on.
Some WoTLK (Wrath of the Lich King) quests also reward a one-time Justice Point reward.
Lower level players can also earn Justice Points by doing daily instances starting at level 68.
You get 12 JP per random daily.
You can also do certain Shattered Sun dailies to get some extra JP.
The fastest way to earn Justice Points though, is to run Heroic instances, plus a daily normal instance.
Ok, so maybe you already have some Justice points.
What are you supposed to do with them now? Read on and find out.
You probably know that there are two major capital cities, Stormwind for the Alliance and Orgrimmar for the Horde.
Both cities have a vendor area that houses three Justice Point vendor NPCs.
Dalaran also features several vendors for gear and items released in Wrath of the Lich King, in case you want to get some lower level gear.
The Alliance vendor area is located in "Old Town" in Stormwindnear the rogue and warrior trainers and the training dummies.
The vendors here are Magatha Silverton (Quartermaster), Larisse Pembraux (Heirlooms), and Talric Forthright (Trade Goods).
In Orgrimmar you will find Gunra (Quartermaster), Zulna (Heirlooms), and Togar (Trade Goods) above Garrosh's chamber in the Valley of Strength.
If you have the JP, you can get some awesome new loot like heirlooms,end-game gear, and trade goods (way overpriced, don't buy).
PvE heirlooms may be purchased with Justice Points (others require Honor Points).
This gear can be used to grant extra bonuses and experience to your new characters while leveling up.
The gear offered from the Justice Points Quartermaster will change based on the current level of dungeon content.
This gear is designed to be a step towards entry-level raiding gear.
When you've got your new heirlooms, the fastest way to level up is by questing mixed with some dungeons.
I recommend you try out a leveling guide to get your new characters to 85 the fastest.
Here is a review of my favorite WoW leveling guide.
I was able to get my new characters to 85 in a matter of days, so I'm sure you can too.