Health & Medical Diabetes

What About Those Low Blood Sugar Levels?

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition with high blood sugar levels due to insulin-resistance, and many diabetics take insulin to keep their condition under control.
  Hypoglycemia can occur in diabetics using insulin and certain other diabetic medications.
So what is hypoglycemia, "hypo", or insulin reaction? It's when there is an abnormally low level of sugar in your blood and can occur:
  •  from an excessive rate of removal of glucose from the blood
  • or from decreased secretion of glucose into the bloodstream
It usually occurs when your blood sugars fall below 72 mg/dl (4mmol/l) What tends to cause low blood sugar levels?
  • alcohol, especially without food
  • heat and/or humidity
  • previous intense exercise ("hypo" can be delayed up to twelve hours)
  • a delayed or missed meal, or one with too little carbohydrates
  • early stages of pregnancy
  • vomiting
  • high altitude
  • beta blockers
  • MAO inhibitors
  • Ritalin
  • nicotine patches
What to watch out for, low blood sugar level symptoms:
  • pallor and sweating
  • shallow breathing
  • weakness or dizziness
  • nervousness, trembling
  • hunger
  • tingling around your lips
  • racing heart beat
  • blurred or double vision
  • abnormal behavior
Symptoms of a "hypo" or hypoglycemia may not be recognized at first, especially when your focus or attention is elsewhere.
  Also the level at which you start to experience these low blood sugar level symptoms varies depending on how often your blood sugars have been low in the last few days.
  So, if you are able, check your levels as soon as you start to feel any of these symptoms.
  If you are unable to run a check, just treat! If you are driving, pull off the road.
  Following a "hypo" your judgment may be affected for up to an hour, even if you do feel normal.
You need to be ready to treat low blood sugar levels at all times:  So how do you do this?
  • half a cup of fruit juice will raise your level faster than a piece of fruit.
      The body is able to digest liquid more quickly than a solid food
  • half a cup of regular soft drink
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 3 to 4 glucose tablets (obtainable from any drug store or pharmacy)
It is best to avoid foods that are very high in fat as they are digested slowly, eg.
chocolate or fried foods.
  These foods will raise your blood sugars later in the day.
  The aim of treating a "hypo" is to bring your level back to your target range quickly.
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