- 1). Navigate to gigapedia.com. Proceed to Step 2 if you are already registered on the site. Otherwise, click on "Register" at the top of the page. Enter your desired user name, then choose a password and enter it twice in the designated fields. Enter your email address and repeat it in the designated fields. You must have a Google account to register. Enter the security words and click on "Register" to complete the process. You will receive an email from Gigapedia. Open it and click on the link. Click on "Log in." Enter your user name, password and the security words to access the site.
- 2). Click on "How to Effectively Search Gigapedia" on the left side of the page, or search on your own. You can also click on "Browse" at the top of the page and select "All Items" or "Categories" from the drop-down menu, depending on how narrow you want your search.
- 3). Click on a book you want to download. Click on the "Links" tab. Click on the provided link, which will take you to another site for the download. Follow the instructions to download the book to your computer.