Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Improve Vision Naturally And 3 Simple Steps To Improve Your Vision

Improve vision is one thing that everyone with glasses always hope about.
The decreased eyesight ability was cause for seeing television, computer, reading books in a close range.
Because eyes used for looking at short distance object at frequent time, They becomes less able to look at distance objects.
The optician recommend you to use glasses, and with help of glasses you could see clearer.
But one thing you should know about glasses is, They did makes you see things clearer, But they don't make your vision improving.
Glasses is only tools.
Before you wear them, you used to look all not too clearly vision around you.
It becomes used to you.
Now you wear glasses, you wear it for a long time.
And when you see things without your glasses, things around you becomes blurry and you're not used to it.
Because now you already used to see things with glasses.
So, It's important to only use glasses when you need to.
You can improve vision by taking an eye exercises.
First one, whenever you use your eyes to look short distance object, take a 30 seconds rest every 30 to 60 minutes, look at the very distant object in your area.
By taking this exercise, you will improve your eyes on looking at distant object, so in this way you can prevent your eyes for being "used to" look on short distance object.
Second, still similar like first one, looking at distant objects.
But now with help of your hand.
Put your hand in front of your face in about half of your hand's length distance.
Now close your one eye, and look at your finger with other eye.
Then you change the focus and look at very distant object in your area.
Repeat this step in about 20 to 30 times with each eye.
You will feel the exercise while changing the focus with one eye, this exercise will help you in improving focus of your eyes.
Third, Nod your head upside and then downside.
Looking at the ceiling then looking at your toes.
This exercise simply will strengthen your neck and help you in blood circulations to head and eyes.
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