Terra cotta pots can make fantastic candles and candle holders, if prepared properly. They can be painted or embellished to match any decor or help you celebrate any holiday or season. Bob, the ex About.com Guide to Candle and Soap Making who now runs his One Stop Candle Supply Web site, has project suggestions to get you started.
Bob has directions for making a flower pot candle, plus information about using clay pots as candle holders.
He explains how important it is to coat the interior of the pot with a few generous layers of decoupage medium and shares an easy way to plug the hole in the bottom of the pot. Hhe also teaches us how to make candles using melt and pour techniques. Most importantly, Before you try any of these projects, make sure you read all of Bob's safety precautions to avoid potential fire hazards.
If you don't want to try your hand at candle making, you can treat the inside of the clay pot and use it as a votive candle holder. Whether you transform the clay pot into a candle or use is as a candle holder, add your own personal decorative touches to the pot.
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