Health & Medical Anti Aging

What"s the Cause of Age Spots?

Face it, you're getting older.
We all are.
But if your skin is starting show age spots and sagging skin, you're definitely starting to show your age.
But don't worry, you're wiser and there's a lot you can do to turn back the clock of your outward appearance.
First, what causes age spots? According to the renowned Mayo Clinic, age spots are usually caused by a combination of too much sun and getting older.
These brown spots typically appear most in people with light skin who burn easily.
They can also indicate an increased risk for skin cancer and can even start showing up on young people in their 20's and 30's.
Not to get too scientific but the pigment producing cells in the skin are activated by the sun to make more pigment (melanin) by ultraviolet rays-hence brown spots that cause your complexion to be uneven and spotty.
You can prevent new age spots from forming by covering up in the sun with long sleeves and sunscreen.
And you can fade your existing brown spots with proven ingredients.
See, I've been researching skin care products and removal of age spots for months now and hopefully my discoveries will save you time and money.
For example, there many products on the market to bleach your skin, and most of them include the ingredient hydroquinone.
This bleaching agent can irritate your skin and maybe you've suffered this first hand, but there's worse news about this substance.
It's been linked with cancer and been banned in several countries.
In fact, the FDA is reviewing is now to see if it should be pulled from U.
There are a number of old fashioned remedies you can try too.
Rubbing lemon juice or aloe vera juice on your age spots twice a day may help a bit.
But chances are, you want something to work a little faster and more effectively.
You're in luck! You can lighten your age spots and preserve your health by using a safe skin lightener like Exptrapone Nutgrass Root.
Funny name isn't it? A German company called Symrise was testing this substance as an anti irritant for skin.
It was a happy accident that its skin lightening abilities were discovered.
And studies show Extrapone Nutgrass Root inhibits melanin production by up to 40%.
So, it lightens your skin and moisturizes it too.
And in addition to fading age spots, it also fades freckles and smoothes wrinkles.
Visit my website today for more information on what causes age spots and tips on aging gracefully.
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