Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

What Type Of Credit Card Machines Are The Best?

It's not really a case of which card machines are the best, it's more a case of which company you get them through. Most debit and credit card machines operate in the same way no matter which make or model you get. You need to be signed up with an independent payment processor in order to use debit and card machines. These companies will process the payments you take through the machines and charge you a fee per transaction; most of them will also charge you a leasing fee for the rental of the card machines you use.

Payment processors

So the best debit and credit card terminals are only as good as the payment processor that provides them. The trick is to know which payment processor to go with. No matter how may debit and credit card machines you use, or whatever business you operate you need to pay particular attention to what qualities your payment processor has.

The best ones will undoubtedly be the ones that deliver you the lowest merchant fees per transaction of course, but there are a number of other attributes you will need to pay attention to in order to get the very best. Customer service is very important indeed. You need to make sure that when you need them, your customer service team are well trained and can answer your enquiries 24 hours a day, seven days a week; preferably from a UK call centre. This is not too much to ask, but you would be surprised at how many payment processor don't have this kind of service.

Different types of credit card machines

However, there are different types of credit card machines available. They are as follows:

Mobile machines. Mobile credit card machines are exactly what they say they are. They work when you're out and about on the road and need to take card payments. They work via mobile broadband but need charging on regular occasions to ensure that you're ready to take a payment when you need to.

Static machines. These are the type you see in virtually every high street retail stores and supermarkets etc. They need to be plugged into the business internet connection and power supply to operate.

Cordless machines. These work in exactly the same way as the static credit card machines, only they can be unplugged for periods of time in order to serve people wherever they are in or around the premises. These are used primarily by restaurateurs and coffee shop owners to allow the customer the luxury of staying seated to pay their bill.


The only way to get the payment processing you need and the debit and credit card machines that suit your business is to contact the best payment processing company; and for this you will need to do a little research. We suggest calling as many as you can and asking them the same questions. See how they compare at the end of the day and make a choice based on your information.
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