- 1). Start your save file. Boot up Animal Crossing City Folk and go to the town where you want to expand your lot.
- 2). Go to Mr. Nook. Mr. Nook is the raccoon character in the game who is allowing you to rent your house. You can only talk to him during the daytime and he will be at the town's grocery store, since he runs the store.
- 3). Pay Nook to expand your house. Your normal house, the house you start off with, costs 19,800 bells (the monetary unit of Animal Crossing). Once you are done paying that off, you can expand the first floor. This will cost 120,000 bells. Once you have paid that off, you can get the second expansion, which enlarges the first floor again. This will cost you 248,000 bells. The next expansion gives your Animal Crossing house a second floor. This will cost you 368,000. Once you have paid this debt off, you can get the last expansion, which gives you a large first floor, a large second floor and a basement. This will cost 598,000 bells.